Because it is so touching and genuine, you will cry while watching this adorable encounter between a mistreated child and his new puppy friend.

Bullying is a socially taboo subject in today’s culture because it endangers a person’s physical and mental health. Every parent and teacher must take action to deal with the situation because it has gotten out of control.

The young man goes to school and encounters this. He has a loving family who genuinely care about him and want the best for him, which is a blessing.

As a gift, his grandmother decides to give him a puppy. What a perfect way to express happiness, the young man couldn’t help but cry when he opened the package.

He runs to his grandmother and expresses his gratitude to her. After that, he carried the adorable puppy and named him Buddy. He enjoys making friends with everyone in the house.

This young boy has everything he needs to cope with being physically and mentally bullied, even though it may appear to others to be a simple gift. After watching the video, you will undoubtedly cry.