Stray dogs live in the hope that people will stop walking past them, smile friendly and help them live a better life.

Life on the streets is too harsh for them and they are in desperate need of our kindness and a little love. Kaya is one of those homeless dogs who needs kindness and help now more than ever.

As she lay on the street in South Chicago, Illinois, she hoped someone would recognize her and take her to safety. She was pregnant and very worried about her soon-to-be-born baby.

The cute dog really wanted to give birth to her baby in a beautiful and loving home, far away from the deserted streets. Little did Kaya know that her wish would soon come true.

save her sweet future mother

pregnant homeless pitti

Josh Feeney is an alumnus of MCP Rescue & Outreach Chicago, a nonprofit dog rescue organization. After a good Samaritan called for help, a friend of Mr. Feeney’s rescued Pitty, who was pregnant.

When Feeney learned that the puppy, later named Kaya, was pregnant and needed to be placed in her foster home, she offered to take it home and care for it. When he welcomed Kaya into his home, she was overjoyed. She wagged her tail, relieved to be out of her street.

“I think that she just knew automatically that she was safe,” Feeney told The Dodo .

Feeney set up a kiddie pool that was going to be a whelping box for Kaia. He spent a lot of time sitting with the doggo there and Kaia soon got used to the whelping box.

Her foster dad cuddled with her and the pup soaked up all his love.

As her due date was approaching, she became more tired. Feeney continued to watch over her, making sure she felt comfortable.

Kaia Gives Birth To Six Adorable Babies

One night, Feeney realized that Kaia’s puppies were ready to come into the world. He stayed with Kaia the whole night and helped her deliver her fur babies. 

Kaia gave birth to six adorable puppies. The proud mama licked her babies and covered them with kisses.In the following weeks, Kaia took care of her fur babies and showered them with love. Feeney admired her strength and her nurturing care and love for her puppies.“She was the best mama. They were her world,” Feeney said.As her babies grew and became stronger, Kaia started to move around more

When the pups began playing with toys, Kaia watched them closely and became interested in the toys, too. Feeney realized that she had never played with toys before.

Although Feeney and the rescue didn’t know Kaia’s backstory, they assumed that the dog’s owner was a breeder who cruelly dumped her on the streets. Feeney hoped that the pup would forget about her past. 

He enjoyed watching Kaia play with her kids. They filled his home with joy.

“I really noticed a big difference in her behavior around 9 or 10 weeks, where she went from nurturing behavior to your puppies are turning into dogs now, and now we all get to play together,” he added.

Happy Endings

When Kaia’s puppies turned 16 weeks old, they started to move to their forever homes. Kaia was happy when all her babies found their happily-ever-after.

Finally, the beautiful mama dog had some time for herself. She enjoyed cuddling with her foster dad and going for walks. The beautiful dog always had a smile on her face.

Feeney wanted to continue fostering more dogs, and he knew that Kaia was ready to start searching for her forever parents.

A wonderful couple fell in love with her and decided to give her the home she always dreamed of. Kaia was over the moon.

Feeney knew that he would miss Kaia a lot, but he was happy for her at the same time.

Her parents adore her and make her feel like the happiest pup on Earth. Kaia loves hugging them and giving them a lot of love.

Two years after Kaia got adopted, Feeney got reunited with her. At first, he wasn’t sure whether she would recognize him. As soon as Kaia saw him, she ran to his outstretched arms and licked his face. 

The gentle doggo didn’t forget her foster dad who helped her and her pups when they needed him the most. By being happy to see her foster dad, she rolled on her back and asked for belly rubs. 

Feeney was overjoyed to see that Kaia found happiness with her forever family.

We’re thrilled that the delightful Illinois girl and her sweet pups got the happy endings they deserved. Thank you to Josh Feeney and to all the good humans who helped Kaia get the help she badly needed.