Rachel and her husband were walking past Harbor Freight in Oklahoma when a dog sitting alone in the rain caught their eye. They immediately stopped and ran towards him. It was heartbreaking for the couple to see Petey shivering from the cold and the cold. He looked around, hoping someone would recognize him and take him somewhere safe and warm.

Take him to a safe place

happy man holding a dog

They spoke to store employees who said the dog had been waiting in the parking lot for weeks. The workers thought he was abandoned and fed him every day. Rachel’s husband wrapped the leash around the dog’s neck and carried the dog to the car.

“I knew as soon as we pulled up at the parking lot that he would not leave her there. My husband insisted on rescuing her,” Rachel said.

As soon as the wonderful dog, later named Lucy, arrived at their home, she hugged Rachel’s husband. Rachel’s heart melted after seeing them together.

Both Rachel and her husband thought that Lucy was lost and they decided to foster her. 

When they brought her home, they did everything they could to find her owners. They posted photos of Lucy on social media, but nobody claimed her, and she didn’t have a microchip.

The Pack Welcomes Lucy

The couple had 13 dogs of their own, and they foster for The Outsiders Rescue OK

Ever since they brought Lucy to their home, she formed a special connection with Rachel’s husband. The two of them love snuggling together. She is a daddy’s girl.

“She definitely prefers my husband. It’s like she knows that she was the one who fought for her. That’s her person. If we’re sitting on the couch, she’s on his side of the couch,” Rachel said.

At first, Rachel and her husband didn’t know whether Lucy would stay with them because they kept trying to find her family. Lucy, herself, seemed to have known all along that this was where she belonged.

It’s like she knew she was home. All this time, we were trying to find her owners. Just in case someone was looking for her. We didn’t know if she was gonna stay. After about a month, I just knew she’s not leaving, Rachel said.

, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Lucy was frightened and her foster parents took her to their laundry room so that she could relax. They pampered her with love and care. 

The next day, Lucy’s foster parents walked her in their yard. The first dog they introduced her to was Ellie, who was an alpha female. The two dogs sniffed each other and fell in love at first sight.

When Lucy met the rest of the pack, she immediately fit right in. The compassionate pups welcomed Lucy to their pack, and they taught her how to play.

Sweet Lucy Gets The Life Of Her Dreams

From the moment Rachel and her husband held her in their arms, they fell in love with Lucy. After nobody claimed her, they adopted her through Outsiders Rescue OK, making her the happiest dog in the world.

Lucy found her place under the sun. The love her new family gave her helped her get rid of her fears and turn into a confident dog.

Her family often posts updates about their pack on their Instagram. Lucy has never been happier. She enjoys doing zoomies in the yard and taking naps. The beautiful Pittie lives the life of her dreams.