When graphic designer Michael Vargas and his friends started their new find, they had no idea it would last a lifetime.

The group was exploring a canal near Vargas’ home in Oakland, California. They stopped for a moment when they saw the beautiful graffiti on the wall.

While Vargas was filming the graffiti, his girlfriend was shocked and said she saw the dog.

A treasure they never expected to find

He was a non-believer until he saw it with his own eyes.

“I thought, ‘A dog?’ I was shocked. I couldn’t believe it. In this little side drain area, there was this little white dog. He was trapped,” Vargas told The Dodo.

The moment he saw the dog, his heart ached. He knew he would do anything to save her. At first the dog was afraid of them and would not let them come near them. Vargas and his friends decided to win his trust, and after about an hour the dog began to trust them. He seemed to understand that they were trying to help him.

The dog eventually approached the rescuer, who allowed him to capture the dog. Vargas had no idea how the little man got stuck in an inaccessible corner of a drain. He was convinced that he would not succeed if he stayed there any longer. From that day on, Vargas became her protector and best friend.

Take your small dog to the vet

He and his colleagues took the dog to the vet. After a health check, the vet said the dog had health problems. Vargas was willing to pay for the dog’s treatment. The baby boy was believed to be about three months old.

Vargas was shocked after the vet said she suspected the dog had been abused. Vargas still hopes that his adorable dog has a loving family to take care of him. The vet scanned the puppy but found no microchip.

the dog is over the moon

The rescuer took the puppy to his home in Auckland and gave him a bath. The dog soon relaxed and started playing around Vargas’ house. Vargas continued to look for the dog’s owner. She asked her neighbors if anyone had lost their dog and searched the Internet for lost pets, but found nothing.

Since no one was looking for the dog and the shelter was full, she decided to give the dog a forever home. He named him Rusty. Vargas and his family wanted to give her their love and give her the best life possible.

“After everything, we decided to love him. He’s ours. He’s bonded to me. I don’t know what his past was, but I’m trying to make his future better. I’ve been doing this for 12 years, and this is the craziest adventure I’ve had so far. I’ve never once saved a life. To get his love in return is just so rewarding,” Vargas said.

Rusty was over the moon because he finally had the family he had always wanted. His beautiful eyes radiated with hope and love because he knew that he was safe and adored.