Not every dog ​​can live a happy life with a loving owner. Unfortunately, many dogs spend their entire lives being abused without ever knowing what true love feels like. The dog in today’s story is no different. Teach, a 3-month-old puppy, lived with a horrible owner who didn’t give him the life he deserved. She was abused and neglected, which made her feel very anxious and unhappy.

Fortunately, Teach decided he had had enough of this horrible life and ran away from his horrible master to find someone who would truly care for him.

runaway puppy

the picture of the abused dog

As soon as Teach runs away from his abusive home, he meets a wonderful man who immediately knows something is wrong.

When Hooman realized how scared the dog was, he connected the dots and realized the poor pup needed help. Without wasting a moment, he picked up the puppy and carried it to safety.

veterinarian examining a dog

He immediately took Teach to the vet and discovered that he had suffered some sort of injury. There were many ticks that indicated she had been neglected, but none of her bones were broken.

During a very thorough investigation, Teach remained very calm and composed. He even started playing in the vet’s exam room.

After a nice bath and a delicious meal, he finally realized he was in a safe place and his tail wagged unconsciously. the hand holding the dog’s head

Seeing that he was a loving puppy, the rescuers decided he was ready for a forever home.

new life

Soon after, Teach met several people who heard his story and couldn’t believe that someone would do such a thing to a dog as adorable as him. man hugging a dog

The family knew they could give him a loving home and decided to adopt him, making him the cutest addition to their loving family.

Teach is finally safe and spending time with people he trusts, showing him every day that he deserves love and attention. He completely came out of his shell and became the sweetest puppy who wants to have fun and play!

A photo of a man and a dog hugging

the last word

Animal abuse is wrong!

If for some reason you can no longer care for your dog or don’t want him, don’t feel bad for him.

All you have to do is take them to your local shelter and ask the staff to take them so they have shelter and comfort. Because they lost their best friend when they were admitted to an abandoned facility. Violence can never be the answer. Dogs have feelings too!