When Kristin Irwin arrived at work that morning, she had no idea she would receive an unexpected visit.

She was minding her own business when she saw a big dog peeking out of her office door and wagging her tail. She hurriedly opened the door.

Erwin became ecstatic as he stared at the frightened mastiff and his sad eyes. He seemed to be asking for help. The puppy was very friendly even though he was obviously scared.

I’m trying to help him find a home.

She and her colleagues took photos of him and posted them on the Lost and Found page in hopes of helping find his home.

As soon as they arrived at work the next day, a dog came out from under the work trailer. He greeted them with a smile on his face and wagging his tail.

Erwin and his colleagues tried to find him a foster home, but were unsuccessful. The dog spent most of his time hanging out in a large barrel on the property.

The weekend was approaching and Erwin didn’t want to be alone, so he decided to take Erwin home. The mastiff, later named Hoss, is ecstatic to learn that he will be leaving with Erwin. The nice boy couldn’t help but smile. He was grateful to be taken off the streets.

Erwin brings it back

When she brought him home, Hoss was afraid to enter the house. He didn’t have the courage to take this first step. Erwin realizes that he doesn’t know how to be a pet dog. The tiles scared him. As an experienced caregiver, Irwin knew Hoss needed time to relax.

A week later, Hoss was ready to meet Irwin’s dogs, but that’s when things started to change. The puppies taught Hoss to be a pet dog. Erwin was overjoyed to see him come out of his shell.

“As soon as we would use our dogs to coax him out into the backyard, he would follow them. As soon as he hit the grass, he was just sprinting and playing.“

Hoss loved relaxing on the couch and stayed there for a long time. It was one of the first small things in his life that he appreciated. He was even more pleased to find a bed. He wanted to stay there all day. Hoss loved his adoptive family and was extremely grateful for all the love they gave him. He loved cuddling up to them and covering them with kisses. His host family was very happy to see him relaxed.

Find happiness in your forever home

Hoss spent a month with Irwin in Texas before being adopted by Bullmastiff Rescue. Erwin was overcome with emotion when he had to say goodbye, but was confident that Hoss would soon find his forever home. The dog was placed in another foster home, and soon after, a rescue team found him a wonderful home in New Jersey.

The puppy started a new life full of love and joy. Hoss’ parents broke the news to Irwin, and she was happy that this adorable mastiff had found the happiness he was looking for.

Erwin was very proud of Hoss. He helped his new doggy sister, Sammy, overcome her anxiety. Hoss was the protective brother that she needed. He always hugged his sister while they were napping together.

“He was the lively, goofy, playful one, so he helped their other Bullmastiff come out of their shell. In the beginning, Hoss was the scared one, and then in the end, he’s the one showing others how to be a dog,“ said Erwin.

Hoss is living the dream. He enjoys going to the lake house and playing in the snow with his sister, Sammy.