On occasion, little things can improve someone’s day. Every day in the late afternoon when the school bus is coming from the opposite direction, one grandmother experiences this situation.

Sandy Reichart, a retired educator, photographed the commonplace event and uploaded it to Instagram with the caption, “Up at my mom’s again today. Every time the elementary school bus travels by her home, this happens. My mother will be happy about this.

Some of the kids are even opening their windows to greet you, as you can see if you look closely. The grandmother also makes sure to be present to greet them as they drive past her yard.

When you see so much joy in such a short period of time, it’s difficult to hold back the urge to smile.
Everyone participates in the amusement, even the bus driver, who honks their horn as they pass.

We learn something from this brief conversation. Even a brief moment taken out of your day to say hello can have a profound impact on someone else’s life.

These children and this woman both have valuable lessons for us.
Self-replicating kindness.
By taking a brief moment to wave to their grandmother, those kids brighten both their own and her day.

Try to lift someone else’s spirits for a while throughout the day. Do everything you are capable of doing. It needn’t take long, but for someone else, it might make all the difference.