Being a dog owner is not an easy task. It is hard work that requires constant effort. Instead, you have the best friend you want.

This is why not everyone should own a dog. If people don’t have the patience to take care of a furry friend, there’s no need to adopt one.

In this story, we will talk about a dog that was cruelly abandoned by its former owner and left in a kennel.

Boa’s condition is very serious.

When Bo was first discovered by a street dog rescue in Oklahoma, he had many health issues that needed to be addressed.

His owner cruelly abandoned him in a kennel and he has been alone ever since. Faith, one of the rescuers, told The Dodo: Bo was actually attacked by a coyote. He had never been taken to the vet before. He had scabies all over his body.

They gave him food and it was clear he hadn’t eaten in days. Through her conversations with the Saviors, Faith learned that she just wanted someone to love her.

He then went into the kennel and refused to come out. Rescuers realized they had to get him out of there.

They got him out of there, but he was under the house. Faith and her crew tried to gently pull her out, but she wouldn’t budge.

It took about 45 minutes to get Bo out of the house. Imandi: “Finally we managed to save him. He actually ended up being rescued by Pyr Paws and Fluffy Tails.

Bo’s road to happiness

During his recovery, Bo was taken to a veterinary hospital in Oklahoma, where he was treated for rabies and given food to help him gain weight.

Her new mother Patricia was shocked by her appearance when she first saw pictures of her. He said: “I was so scared I didn’t even know it was a dog.”

However, as time passed, Mr. Bo’s condition improved and his health seemed to be much better. A few months later, he was a completely different dog.

The rescuers knew he deserved a good home, and Patricia, with her previous experience working with rescue dogs, felt he was up to the task. Bo came to his new home, but he couldn’t adjust right away. Patricia said: “It took him six months to realize this was his home. This will also change over time as you become the happiest dog that loves to explore its surroundings.

He says: I like it and I’m glad I have it. It’s great that Bo is getting another chance at life. Although abandoned and surrounded by new people, Patricia’s kindness showed her that she was safe and loved at home.