We all know that dogs are one of the most loyal animals in the world, but their unconditional loyalty never ceases to amaze us.

If you’ve ever driven by Chloe Bornell’s home in Tallahassee, Florida, you’ve probably noticed his gentle face as he sits all day looking out the window, patiently waiting for his mother to come home. . This is his dog Atlas. His kind nature and loyalty won the hearts of many, including UPS drivers.

Atlas is a very nice boy

Chloe adopted Atlas in March 2020 after abandoning his puppy in Tallahassee. At the time, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for a new puppy, but as soon as she found little Atlas, she was sold.

“He came right up to me and wouldn’t leave me alone. I feel like God told me to get that pup because he knew what was coming next. He’s my little saving grace and has been with me through this whole pandemic and virtual teaching,” Chloe told The Dodo. 

She is now very thankful to have had this little guy home with her during the pandemic and a weird time of not being able to be with her students. 

Atlas has helped her with her anxiety very much, and he is generally a true blessing to her family. 

A year later, when she returned to the school, she worried about Atlas since he was a pandemic puppy practically used to having her around all the time. 

In addition, Atlas has very high energy levels and loves to play and run around. He would run all day if he could. 

But, to Chloe’s surprise, her concerns about separation anxiety were unnecessary since Atlas quickly found himself a new favorite habit. 

As the good boy that he is, he would just sit in his favorite spot by the front window for hours and patiently wait for his mom to return home. 

“He really, truly loves just sitting in that sunshine and watching the world around him,” Chloe said. 

It was his new favorite thing in the world and he was completely content with himself. 

Soon, people who passed by the house started to notice his sweet eyes looking at them from the house…

The Sweetest Compliment 

One day, after a particularly hard day at work, Chloe came home to the sweetest little pick-me-up. 

She wrote on Facebook, “I just got home from work and the UPS man was on my street. He said, “excuse me ma’am can I talk to you for a second?” I put my stuff down and walked back out to him preparing for some random bad news.” 

She was exhausted from work, and was certain that the UPS driver was going to deliver her some bad news; however, that wasn’t the case. 

What he told her next simply melted her heart. 

He said, “that is the most loyal dog I have ever seen. Does he just sit there all day and look out the window while you are gone? Every time I drive by he is sitting right there. Even when I come up to drop off a package he doesn’t bark at me. Most dogs do. I knock and he just looks at me. I guess he is just waiting for you to come home so he’s not bothered by me. Anyways I love driving by because I always see him sitting in the window.”

Chloe was incredibly moved by these completely unexpected words. After such a bad day, that was the most perfect thing she could have asked for. 

She was incredibly happy that her sweet boy had managed to make someone’s day-to-day life a bit happier with his precious presence, just like he does to her. 

Chloe also said that when she gets home, Atlas always gets to run free, play, and have all the fun time, but that night, she made sure he got extra love than usual. 

After all, Atlas truly deserves it. Sweet Atlas, this neighborhood is lucky to have you!