Planning to the specialist is an antiquated fear that bothers numerous individuals. It’s no ponder why our pets also struggle with getting to the vet, where sitting within the holding up room is maybe the trickiest portion.
In any case, fair as we like our specialist to empower us with a great approach, our pets live through these minutes more effortlessly on the off chance that they have a veterinarian who will whisper in their ear that everything will be okay.
And, in some cases deliver them a few treats as well!
Truly The Culminate Understanding

When the pooch came into the holding up room, he quickly climbed on the chair and restlessly held up to be called into what is likely the foremost abhorred room within the world.
Dr. Thomas Hamilton, proprietor of the Veterinary Clinic, in Warwick, Rhode Island, chosen to ease this dog’s stresses.
Whereas the pup was sitting firmly on the chair, and his guardians couldn’t do anything for him, Dr. Tom sat down another to him.
Without the specialist doing anything, it appeared as in the event that the puppy had as of now calmed down a bit. It appears as in the event that this experienced specialist emanated a few calming vitality that worked exceptionally rapidly.
Of course, the specialist knew that vitality alone would not fathom the issue, so he brought a shock for the pooch.

“I brought some snacks,” Dr. Tom said, and those present could immediately see how this dog’s mood suddenly improved.
For the next few moments, this canine fellow had to reach out to the doctor or bark to get a tasty hickory-flavored snack. Not only did he do what the doctor told him, but he also showered him with kisses.
“Oh, thank you for the kisses,” said a delighted Dr. Tom, taking out his stethoscope and gently placing it on the dog’s lungs while holding his paw.

This good boy didn’t even blink and the examination was already over.
“Good job,” Dr. Tom said, while the other human in the room added: “Literally the perfect patient!”
@drtom83 This patient needed some snacks to feel more at home. #drtom #veterinariansoftiktok #veterinarian #fyp #dogsoftiktok #dog #foryou #patienceformypatients #work #GREENIES @GREENIESbrand @Good Morning America @Clove Shoes ♬ Surrender – Ramol
Dr. Tom posted this video on his TikTok profile, and it didn’t take long for it to attract the attention of his many followers, and beyond.
Video Took The Internet By Storm

In no time, the video went viral, getting over a million views in just a few days. Also, there were many reactions, and they were mostly positive.
“Look him sittin like a little human 🥺 I love this!!😁” one user wrote.
Another one added: “That’s a good boy 🥺”.
And some of them were even joking, like the one that said: “My doctor never brings me snacks. It’s like she doesn’t even care that I am uncomfortable. I might need to switch to a vet. 😂”
It didn’t just end on the TikTok video. This cute story was published by numerous media houses, including the most famous ones, such as ABC news.
And, they definitely hit the nail on the head with it because as one TikTok user wrote: “Who could resist such a cute dog, but also such a handsome vet”.
Dr. Tom Has Always Been An Animals’ Pal

When the pooch came into the holding up room, he quickly climbed on the chair and restlessly held up to be called into what is likely the foremost abhorred room within the world.
Dr. Thomas Hamilton, proprietor of the Veterinary Clinic, in Warwick, Rhode Island, chosen to ease this dog’s stresses.
Whereas the pup was sitting firmly on the chair, and his guardians couldn’t do anything for him, Dr. Tom sat down another to him.
Without the specialist doing anything, it appeared as in the event that the puppy had as of now calmed down a bit. It appears as in the event that this experienced specialist emanated a few calming vitality that worked exceptionally rapidly.
Of course, the specialist knew that vitality alone would not fathom the issue, so he brought a shock for the pooch.