Discovery and Initial Rescue

Rena Perkens Schlueter from Orange, California, encountered a shocking sight when she found a severely matted and neglected dog on her doorstep. Initially unsure of the creature’s identity due to its overgrown fur, Rena soon realized it was a dog in desperate need of help. The dog, frightened and in pain, ran off at first but returned to the same spot later, displaying a willingness to receive assistance.

Calling in Professionals

Recognizing the dog’s fear and potential aggression, Rena wisely called Animal Control for assistance. This decision ensured that the dog would be handled safely by professionals equipped to deal with such situations. Meanwhile, Rena took to social media, sharing the dog’s plight with her community, which quickly garnered attention and support.

Rescue and Rehabilitation

The dog was taken to OC Animal Care where he underwent necessary grooming and medical evaluation under sedation due to his distress. Despite the initial challenges, the transformation was remarkable—revealing a dog estimated to be around 10 years old and weighing just 12 pounds. Remarkably, he had no major health issues beyond neglect.

A Happy Ending

Following his rehabilitation, the dog, now cleaned up and looking his best, was made available for adoption. His story, shared widely on social media, caught the eye of Deanna Briggs, a member of the local community group. Moved by his story and struck by his resilience, Deanna decided to adopt him. In just a day, this neglected dog found a forever home filled with love and care.

The Power of Community

This story exemplifies the positive impact of community support and responsible pet ownership. From Rena’s initial concern to the swift intervention of Animal Control and the compassionate adoption by Deanna, it underscores how collective efforts can change an animal’s life for the better.

Final Thoughts

Through kindness, determination, and a network of caring individuals, this neglected dog not only survived but thrived. His journey from abandonment and neglect to a loving home is a testament to the resilience of animals and the profound impact of human compassion.