Stray dogs are left alone and starving in the cold alleys that have become their home.
They want someone to hug them every day and solve all their problems, but unfortunately they have no one to turn to. Every day, they want someone to notice them and save them from the tragic life on the street.
Kankan was one of the sick homeless people with these hungry, which was to be saved as soon as possible. The puppy looked at the people passing by, wondering if someone would take pity on him and lend a hand.
receive unexpected kindness
dirty and injured white dog

A kind woman was preparing for a hike when she noticed a dog in poor condition. His thin, naked body was covered in scabs and bruises. She was heartbroken. She called him to come and offered him something to eat.
The puppy was happy because finally someone was paying attention to him. He went to a huge woman and smiled at her. The coast was very hungry, and he immediately ate the food she gave to him. The woman became sad. She looked at the exhausted dog and wondered when was the last time he had eaten. The good man canceled his plans to go hiking. She took her rescue dog to get it the treatment it needed. The stray dog was given a medicated bath and its condition was stabilized. The woman hoped he would recover soon. She felt love for the kind boy and decided to give him a forever home.
The good woman adopted other rescue dogs with a difficult past and filled their lives with joy.
The Stray Pup Moves In With His Mom

She brought the sick pup home and named him Kangkang. At first, he slept a lot. He was exhausted.
Kangkang’s mom made it her priority to nurse him back to health. She treated his wounds and applied medicine to his whole body.
The pup felt relieved to have such a caring mom. She gave him a ton of love, and she was always by his side.
His mom was his best friend, and Kangkang loved going on walks with her.
Little by little, the pup began regaining his strength and playing outside.
His mom noticed that Kangkang didn’t like playing with her other dogs. She thought that he felt inferior because he had skin issues.
She drove him to the pet hospital for a medical checkup. The vet took a skin sample and informed Kangkang’s mom that her boi was infested with worms.
The precious pup began receiving deworming treatment. His mom often took him on walks in nature, hoping that he would recover much faster.
Kangkang continued having medicated baths, and his condition began to improve. He felt much better.
The sweet canine became more sociable and energetic, and he started playing with other dogs.
Kangkang’s Transformation

A month later, Kangkang’s wounds healed. His fur started to grow, and he built up his confidence. His face was glowing with happiness.
He was no longer the timid dog who avoided interacting with his siblings. He was now a confident pup who loved hanging out with them
The pooch recovered completely. He gained weight, and he had a beautiful, fluffy coat. Kangkang transformed into a cheerful pup who enjoyed life to the fullest.
The pup couldn’t contain his happiness. He often jumped into the air. Kangkang felt like he finally had everything he dreamed of.

The compassion and love that Kangkang received from a wonderful human who ended up becoming his mom is admirable.
Many thanks to all the good people who open their hearts and help strays find the happiness that they deserve.