It makes me sad to know that some dogs don’t receive the great love and attention they need.

Instead of being treated as treasure, some puppies are used as a means of profit. Backyard breeders disrespect beautiful dogs and don’t give them a chance to grow and learn what happiness means.

Sequoia was one of those adorable dogs who lived a sad life with his owner, a backyard breeder. She didn’t have a family to give her the love she needed. The puppy became scared and sad.

know what freedom is

pitbull outdoor

Luckily, Pitti was rescued by I Stand with My Pack, a California-based nonprofit dedicated to protecting dogs and preventing animal abuse.

Rescuers took the dog to a shelter. The staff was heartbroken to see the dog’s beautiful eyes full of sadness. She was a recluse and needed love to start trusting people again. Staff assured Piti, later named Sequoia, that everything would be okay and that her life would now change.

A wonderful couple, Aron and Alyssa, decided to adopt him. They wanted to help Sequoia overcome her fears and pour out her love.

Adapting To Foster Home

After they took her home, the pup didn’t want to leave the car. She was too scared and unsure of everything. Alon picked her up and brought her inside. 

Everything was new for the pup. She felt confused and needed some time to adapt to her new life. 

When Alon and Alyssa turned on the TV, Sequoia seemed overstimulated. She ran, hid in the corner, and stared at the TV.

Sequoia was very underweight and tired. She spent a lot of time sleeping. She needed to regain her energy.

On her first day in her foster home, the Pittie didn’t want to lie next to her foster parents. Alyssa felt sad because she thought that Sequoia wouldn’t like cuddling with them.

Enjoying Life To The Fullest

The next day, Alyssa’s best friend came over and Sequoia did the most surprising thing. She rolled over on her back and asked for a belly rub. Alyssa couldn’t believe it.

Gradually, the gorgeous canine started trusting humans again and opening her heart to love. She loved meeting people and making friends.

When they took her to the beach, Sequoia was over the moon. She was running around, cuddling with her new friends, and enjoying life. 

A Loving Family She Always Needed

Alyssa will always remember the moment when Sequoia came to her and laid her head on her chest. She wanted to cuddle with her. 

From that day on, the pup turned into a love bug. She loved snuggling with her foster parents and covering them in kisses.

Seeing Sequoia bond with Alon warmed Alyssa’s heart.

”The relationship they’ve developed, it’s been so awesome to see because when we met each other, a Pit Bull was not something he would have been okay with having. And now it’s like. Daddy’s little girl,“ Alyssa told The Dodo.

The sweet dog stole her foster dad’s heart and changed his opinion about Pit Bulls and the bully breed. Alon told Alyssa that they should keep Sequoia and give her a forever home.

Sequoia’s beauty attracts a lot of attention, and her parents often get many questions about her past. People want to know where she came from and how they got her.

“It’s just a conversation we like to have a lot, of like, it’s a big responsibility, and I just don’t ever wanna encourage anybody to just go buy one because of how they look,” she added.

The California beauty lives her dream life. She often posts updates about her everyday activities and new adventures on her Instagram account.

When she is not running outside and playing, she loves snuggling with her parents and soaking up their infinite love.