Many lifeguards wait until the sun rises to save the day. But sometimes you just can’t wait.

That’s what Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy in California, thought when she heard about a dog in urgent need of help.

Help is coming soon

That evening, when she received a call about a seriously injured stray dog, Suzette wasted no time packing.

Armed with a humane dog trap and a few treats, he was ready to help wherever the dog was last seen.

“I went out at midnight. She was out in the middle of nowhere, on a one-lane road. I knew I had to get her,” said Suzette.

However, Suzette spent quite some time looking through the Californian streets, trying to locate the dog, flashing her light in every direction.

Then, all of a sudden, with the help of the moonlight, she saw two shining orbs staring right at her.

I saw her by her eyes. We named her Moonie because it was the moonlight that helped me notice her,” Suzette said.

As frightened as she was, Moonie still made her way into the trap. She trusted Suzette so much, as if she knew that she was there to help.

Her eyes were beautiful, but they couldn’t hide her condition. Mooney was severely malnourished and her thin frame was covered in an old, dirty jacket. It also had scabs and scabs and smelled bad.

But even in the worst of times, Suzette stuck by Mooney’s side and never left her alone and scared. Suzette carefully placed Mooney in the car and the two slept through the night until the vet showed up.


After her first checkup of the morning, Mooney began her journey to recovery. Although the road to recovery was long and several illnesses forced her to self-quarantine for six weeks, Mooney was not alone.

He was surrounded by people who loved him, took care of him and made him feel as comfortable as possible. After treatment, he was sent to an orphanage. But because he was so affectionate, his search for a forever home was short-lived.

She went to two different foster homes. They were going to put her up for adoption during her second foster stay, but her foster mom said, ‘No, I can’t part with this gal. We can’t let her go,’” Hall said.

Life at her new home sure did make Moonie happy. In no time, she completely transformed in her appearance, looking like a brand-new dog.

And, of course, since she is the only child of her new mom, Moonie gets all the attention a dog needs, and she sure loves it!