Our dogs are our treasures and best friends. They are always with us and give us unconditional love and support. We care deeply for them and tell them every day how much we love them.

Our dogs know that our home is their place and that will never change. Unfortunately, there are some cruel and callous dog owners who abandon their puppies without caring what happens to them. The cute dog doesn’t understand that his owner has let him down and abandoned him with no intention of ever returning. A loyal dog always stays where he is, hoping to see his owner again and run into his arms.

The next story is about Vader, one of his many loyal dogs who kept waiting for his family to come back even after they abandoned him.

Suzette Hall helps him

A sweet Belgian Malinois was abandoned in the Southern California area. Residents saw him wandering around the area near the highway, and some of them tried to catch him and rescue him. Unfortunately, the puppy ran away from them every time. Sometimes they hid in nearby streets, sometimes they ran toward the highway. Concerned for her safety, residents called Suzette Hall, a first responder and founder of Logan’s Legacy, for help.

When Mr. Hall arrived in the area, he decided to observe the dog and study its habits.

“He definitely did have a home before. He would circle the same three streets over and over again, and that’s what they do when they’ve been dumped — they stay in the area where they were left,” Hall told The Dodo.

Hall was brokenhearted to see the loyal pup, whom she later named Vader, tirelessly roaming the streets. Despite being lonely and scared, his hope of being reunited with his family didn’t waver.

In order to survive, the abandoned dog had no other choice but to look for scraps of food in the neighbors’ yards and drink gutter water. 

Trying To Capture Vader

Hall was determined to find out where Vader was hiding, so that she could set her trap at one of his hiding places.

Soon, she found out where the doggo was sleeping. She set a trap, hoping that the delicious treats would lure Vader into the crate. However, Hall ended up feeling disappointed because the dog sniffed the food and walked away.

Hall and her rescue team didn’t give up, and they placed the trap into a different yard in the middle of the night. It was quiet and they hoped with their whole hearts that the pup would feel safe to finally enter the trap.

The rescuers left little pieces of hot dogs in Vader’s direction. They hid and watched him, and it didn’t take long for the pooch to go into the trap.

As soon as the rescuers saw him in the crate, they were relieved. His life was no longer in danger.

Hall took Vader to her car. On their way to the Camino Pet Hospital, the pup fell asleep. Seeing him sleeping warmed Hall’s heart. She was glad that he felt safe at last.

When they arrived at the hospital, Vader was frightened. The staff talked to him and tried to make him feel at home. They gave him a lot of cuddles that he needed. 

Surrounded with love, he quickly warmed up to his caregivers. Although he was found to be in good health, he spent a few days at the hospital in order to relax.

Enjoying Life In His Foster Home

After Vader decompressed a little bit, he moved to a foster home in Lake Forest, California. His foster mom, Brittanny Gehr, is a dog trainer at Rowdy Pups Dog Training.

At first, Vader was scared, but Gehr showered him with love and helped him turn into a trusting and happy pup. The adorable Belgian Malinois fit in perfectly with the rest of the pack.

“… He is the most adorable, precious, loyal and loving companion. Training this boy has sure has been fun! Watching him go from scared to curious to trusting, to enjoying life knowing everything is going to be good from here on out, Gehr wrote on Facebook.

The wonderful canine loves going on walks with his foster siblings. He enjoys snuggling the most.

“He’d cuddle somebody all day if he could. He cuddles with all of his foster brothers, including a new puppy the trainer just got. He and that puppy just lay together on the couch all day,” Hall said.

It’s not clear whether Vader found his forever home yet. However, we are sure that the adorable and loving canine will find a wonderful family who will cover him in kisses and give him all the love that he needs.