It’s absolutely sad to think that dog owners could abuse their dogs and abandon them, the most loyal and gentle creatures. How can they disappoint their furry friends and abandon them as if they were never part of their lives? Lucy is a dog who knows exactly what it’s like to be abandoned by the person you trust the most. His owner not only abandoned him, but also tied him up and left him on the side of the road. Despite her master’s betrayal, Lucy believed that good people existed.

Hungry and alone, he spent five days hoping he would get the help he needed. Whenever he saw people passing by, he would raise his paw and ask for help.

A woman with a huge heart rushes to save him.

happy white puppy on hind legs

A kind-hearted woman came to see him as soon as she heard about the puppy that had been abandoned and tied up on the side of the road. Even before she met him, she was determined to take him home and become his adoptive mother.

The moment her dog saw her, he raised his paw towards her. He smiled and begged her to help him. He hoped his girlfriend would save him. The puppy saw the woman’s smile and knew that she would not ignore him. He couldn’t contain her joy. His face was shining.

Her adoptive mother stroked her beautiful face. The pup closed her eyes and tried to soak in his embrace. She broke his chains and set him free.

Lucy Is The Happiest Pup

The dog, later named Lucy, started jumping with joy. He had his freedom back. He was over the moon.

He kept bowing his head. It was his way of expressing gratitude to the woman who saved him.

She took Lucy in her arms and carried him to the car. Lucy was all smiles. While he was sitting in her lap, the pup covered his foster mom in kisses. Although they had never met before, they instantly bonded.

Lucy’s foster mom was enchanted with the dog and she fell in love with him. 

From now on, he will only know about happiness. He will never be left alone again. 

We’re very happy that Lucy has a great family. They will shower him with love and affection that he always dreamed of having.

Many thanks to Lucy’s foster mom for coming to his rescue and giving him all her love.