Freya is different from other dogs. From the moment he walked into Emily’s life, he was special! But this pretty girl Petey got off to a rough start because of Emily’s situation. This poor girl was found in a bag in the woods. Abandoned by his former owner, who committed terrible acts of cruelty to get rid of Freya, the helpless boy Petey was left in the hands of predators. Fortunately, the good people of Kentucky, USA, have given him a second chance.

And today is better than ever!

Freya was nothing but pure joy.
dog in a black bag

Although her story didn’t get off to a good start, she was nothing but pure joy when pit bull pup Freya was brought to the Arrow Fund in Prospect, Kentucky!

This sweet and innocent puppy was born with no front legs and a broken pelvis. However, because he was too young to undergo surgery, the hospital decided to continue physical therapy. But despite her condition, Freya was so happy to be found that she had a smile on her face!

Freya was transferred to the intensive care unit for further treatment and evaluation and met Emily!

All he needs is the Widman family.
cute puppy in sock

Emily Weidman, who works at a hospice, is looking for a new dog after her beloved dog Marky dies. But he wasn’t sure if taking Freya with him was a wise choice. Because Freya needed a lot of help and treatment. But as soon as he held Freya in his arms, he knew she had to come home with him!

“I looked at the screaming baby and wasn’t sure if taking a special-needs dog home was the best option for our family. Then my coworker leaned in and said, just hold her for a second. I opened her cage, picked her up, and the rest is history.”

Emily and her family made sure to adapt their family home to Freya’s needs. As her paw nubs had sores on them, they got Freya customized socks to prevent her from further injuries. 

Almost the entire house was covered with soft surfaces so she could freely move without injuring herself. And, she just loved her new home! Comfortable, cozy, and filled with love – what else could she ask for!

Hanabi Nubbin In Her Furever Home

Despite the inability to perform normal doggo activities like other dogs, Freya didn’t lose her enthusiasm even for one second! 

She’d play around with Emily’s kids, jump around the house and in the back yard, and whenever she got tired – she’d crawl into her fluffy bed and lie next to her stuffed toys.

“I can remember the sigh she let out when I held her that first time, like she knew that she was meant to be my girl. Like she was meant to snuggle our boys. Like she knew she was a Weedman. I can’t imagine life without her.”

Once a five-pound puppy, Freya’s now a big, forty-pound Pittie girl! And, yes – the family decided to change her name to Hanabi Nubbin! They even made an Official Instagram page for her for the people who want to stay in touch with her everyday activities.

The story of this gorgeous doggo is one more piece of proof that love beats all the odds. Once an abandoned dog left to die with no one near her to help, she’s now everything a dog wants to be!