Small puppies love to sleep and usually find the perfect place to do so.

When Edna the pit bull was a young puppy, she went to puppy daycare in Green Bay, Wisconsin every day. He loved playing with other dogs so much that after a few hours he was too tired to do anything.

His daily routine includes sleeping regularly to rejuvenate himself. But his short sleep always means finding the most comfortable and airy place to sleep. What better place than a kindergarten full of furry dogs, where you can take a nap with your friends? Pitbull Edna sleeps on top of the German Shepherd

Edna is a smart puppy and quickly learned that there is no better pillow than a warm fuzzy puppy.

So it became his daily routine. Find a soft dog to sleep on after playing for a while. A photo of Edna and Indy lying together

It didn’t matter to him if it was a little dog like him or one of the big boys. The only important factor was the comfort level and he always made sure it was completely comfortable.

Photo of Edna sleeping on a fluffy dog

Surprisingly, the dogs she slept with didn’t mind at all. Instead, they always made sure he slept as well as possible.

This is what true friendship is all about.

In an interview with the Dodo, Brianna Gottfried, from Green Bay, WI, (Edna’s owner) said that “All the dogs seemed to enjoy the snuggling company. Even the tiny wiener dogs.” 

Everyone thought this was just a puppy phase and that once Edna grows up a little bit, she would stop doing it, but that didn’t happen. 

She is simply an affectionate dog that loves to snuggle with everyone, and she uses every opportunity to do it. 

So, even though she is a lot bigger now, it doesn’t stop her from finding the fluffiest dog at the daycare to take a nap on. 

Brianna said, “When it was time to go home, I always had to peel her off of another dog”, which just shows how much Edna loved napping on her furry friends. 

She would even take advantage of her big furry friends to protect her from the cold pavement outside by using their fluffy tail as a pillow.  

At home, things are a little bit different for Edna. She has two not-so-fluffy friends that like to take a nap on her for a change. Oh, how the tables have turned. 

Even though they aren’t fluffy like her daycare friends, she still enjoys using them as a pillow.