Raise your hand if you like seeing unusual animal friendships! Of course you do! We all love seeing two completely different animals form a bond of friendship, but when a big animal and a small animal bond, the level of cuteness goes even higher.
That’s exactly what happened to this puppy who found a wonderful friend. Their friendship may not have lasted long, but it was good while it lasted.

Lucía Col Darmolin, a resident of Milim Doce, Brazil, helped bring together an unusual group of friends online by posting a video of her small dog enjoying a sunny day on her balcony. This video would not have gone viral if it wasn’t for that one person who happened to be there. What you can see more is probably the most beautiful you see all day. No, a week!
A puppy enjoying his time with a random butterfly is not a thing you see on a regular basis!! We knew puppies were playful, but do butterflies share the same enthusiasm as dogs? You learn something new every day!
But, there is a story behind the butterfly visiting the little dog.
Some insect species – most notably bees and moths – are known for drinking the tears from animals. This provides them with the necessary nutrients, such as salt. (1)
As this video was filmed in Mirim Doce, Brazil, where some of these species have been observed, this is likely the reason behind this peculiar behavior.
Be it as it is, we’ve got an awesome video, and the pup got the playdate of his life!