Watch Christopher the Makeup Guy work his amazing transformation magic on Rhonda. You’ll be stunned.

Rhonda asked Christopher the Makeup Guy if he could work some of his special makeup magic on her because she thought she looked far too old for long hair.

Because they preferred their mother’s long hair, her children were against the idea. She was too old for long hair, Christopher argued with her kids, but he did what she wanted because she didn’t like it.

Rhonda therefore chose to carry out her plan in spite of the objections from her kids. Christopher gave her hair a lovely chin-length bob, added dramatic eye makeup, and emphasized the blonde in her hair.

The final result was much better than Rhonda could have ever imagined. Her children praised her new hairdo and said that she feels and looks 20 years younger.

Rhonda is living proof of the amazing things a good stylist, some cosmetics, and a good haircut can accomplish. She is delighted with how everything turned out and will always be grateful to Christopher for his efforts.