When you become an animal rescue volunteer, there are heartbreaking moments, but there are also moments when there is nothing but joy and pure satisfaction.
When Joey Wagner, a part-time volunteer with the BSM Animal Society of Nova Scotia, Canada, responded immediately when he received a call about an abused pit bull puppy mix. The puppy had been severely neglected and abused, had mange and was minutes away from death. Fortunately, rescuers arrived in time to take him to the vet. This is their story…
Mojo’s life was saved at the last moment.
Man holding pit bull puppy rescued from death

Mojo, a small puppy, was in critical condition when Joey found him. He rushed him to the hospital, where Mojo was treated for severe dehydration and scabies. This painful disease is caused by mites that live in the faux fur, causing the faux fur to lose all its hair.
Many people asked about Mojo, but the dog needed time in the hospital, so adoption was not possible at the time…
Petey remembered his savior.
Mojo in the Savior’s arms

When the hospital staff confirmed that Mojo’s condition was improving, Joey was first in line to fill out the paperwork. She really wanted to adopt a puppy and of course it was the obvious choice!
Mojo’s reaction when he arrived at the hospital to meet his new companion was heartbreaking. No one expected Petey to remember his rescuer since they hadn’t spent much time together, but Mojo immediately jumped into Joey’s arms and started licking him!
The meeting between the two was very emotional for everyone! The hospital staff was delighted to see that Mojo was such a great owner!
Mojo’s Forever Home doesn’t get any better than this
Photo of Mojo hugging another dog at home

Joey and his wife have always loved dogs! Their houses are truly wonderful kennels and designed for a wonderful life for dogs. The Wagner family had several dogs, so Mojo made other furry friends.
His naturally sociable personality helped him adapt quickly to his new home. Mojo was eventually placed in the arms of his owners who cared for him and gave him the best life possible.
His Memory Will Always Live On

After years of wonderful life in the Wagner home, this beautiful white Pittie mix passed away in 2022 of cancer. Joey notified everyone about Mojo’s death on his Facebook.
“Mojo had a cancer tumor on one of his heart arteries… I made sure he had water, and off I went to do some work outside…not realizing that would be the last time I talked to my boy….2 to 3 hours later I come in to check on the boys and Mo had passed…..laying on the floor two feet from his bed.”
Despite the fact that it has been almost a year since Mojo left this world, his legacy is still alive.
“It’s soon going to be a year since he left us. Missing him is hard. But, so happy he was in all of our lives. He was a legend…..and none can ever take that away from him….his legacy will live forever.”
Joey and his family will remember Mojo forever for his wonderful personality. He was such a sweet and affectionate dog that had a rough start, but eventually lived a good life with his loving hoomans. Rest in peace, Mojo! Your memory will always live on!