In a heartfelt Instagram post, “The One Show” star Alex Jones revealed that her three-year-old son Kit had undergone surgery.

It’s a good idea to have a backup plan if something goes wrong. He will only get grommets in his ears, so there’s nothing to worry about, but he won’t enjoy the procedure. ”.

Alex placed a Spiderman figurine and a plush Peter Rabbit on her son’s bed to ensure he was as comfortable as possible while in the hospital. When he got back from surgery, these things were there for him.

To prevent infections, grommets are tiny tubes inserted into the ear canal. They allow air to enter the middle ear through the ear canal.

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Alex and Kit should be able to go home today because the procedure is frequently performed under general anaesthesia during day surgery. Still, it has yet to be discovered if Alex will appear on The One Show later this evening.

“Waiting for my little Kit to come back from theatre after a relatively typical op but feels like the longest morning of my life,” Alex wrote as she shared her awful day with her Instagram followers.

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Following the birth of his older brother Teddy in 2017, Kit was born in May of this year. In 2021, a daughter, Annie, was taken to Alex and her partner Charlie Thomson.

Being a mother of three children is challenging, as the host acknowledged, adding, “Balancing the three of them with a full-time job, as any mother will tell you, is, on some days, overwhelming. “.

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It’s enormous. It’s worth it because you get something in return, even though that can be rare when you consider how well they all get along and make you laugh. They won’t be this young forever, I can assure you of that. ”.

Kit’s post-surgery recovery is something we’re hoping for.