Dogs are great. They embody all the qualities we humans should strive for. They are our most faithful companions and I think I speak for all of us when I say that life would be very boring without them.
Today’s story is an example of how this kind of friendship between a person and a dog can make someone’s life so much better, and it’s just one of the most rewarding stories you’ll ever read.
Did he put something on the dogs?!
grandfather with dog

Despite retiring 15 years ago, Eugene Bostick embarked on a new journey to help rescued dogs enjoy a life of adventure, and he did it in the most amazing way.
The man said he didn’t want to be the guardian of all the rescued dogs, but he felt it was his duty to help them because others didn’t want to. Bostick to The Dodo: We live in a cul-de-sac where me and my brother have a stable. Sometimes people come here and abandon their dogs to starve. So I fed them, brought them inside and took them to the vet to get them spayed. I created a shelter for them. Over the years, he has rescued many stray dogs and brought them to safety. While they were content to run around his farm and get some fresh air, Eugene had the bright idea of building a dog train. How did he come up with this idea?
Grandpa and his dog are training
Bostick said: One day I went outside and saw a man hitching a cart to a tractor to haul rocks. I thought, “Dang, this would be good for dog training.”
I’m pretty good at welding, so I took a plastic container with holes in it, put a wheel under it and welded it together.
The Dog Train Express!
grandfather drives a dog train

And a new incredible adventure begins. The old man takes his dogs for a walk in a nice place once or twice a week, and the dogs love it. Bostic said when they hear him start the tractor, the dogs get excited and come running, all ready to have fun.
The dog train has become a very popular tourist attraction for local residents, with many people asking to take photos of it. When asked, he said he likes to help and spend time with dogs who are going through the same thing.
He also said: I am old. I’m 80 now, so I don’t think I’ll last long, but I plan to last as long as I can. The dogs are having a great time. They like it very much.
It is a very beautiful story and just reading it is enough to make anyone shed tears of joy. We wish Eugene and his dogs the best of luck in their adventures together.