Do you remember Tina Turner’s powerful vocals screaming “What’s Love Got To Do With It”? Tina Turner is a well-known singer involved in many exciting adventures. And has recently experienced some health problems.

A well-known performer known for her powerful vocals is Tina Turner. Because of health issues and other personal matters, the mega-star has slowed down recently.

Her husband, Erwin Bach, has consistently supported her.

They started off playing music together, but over time their relationship deepened. A few years after they first met, Tina and Ike married in Tijuana, Mexico, in 1962.

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On the outside, their union seemed picture-perfect, but on the inside, it was crumbling. Years later, Tina revealed in her book “My Love Story” that the marriage had been physically and verbally abusive.

Ike was described as acting violently whenever he felt Tina had treated him disrespectfully in any way.

Years passed, during which time the assault persisted, and in 1976 Tina divorced Ike after deciding enough was enough.

The mega-star then decided to avoid marrying before crossing paths with Erwin Bach by chance.

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Tina first encountered Erwin when his employer dispatched him to pick her up from the airport. When Tina first met her future husband, a 30-year-old EMI music executive, she prepared to perform in Germany.

Tina later remarked that she became interested in it right away. She stated, “He had the most gorgeous face. It was impossible to miss. My heart jumped a beat. It represents the coming together of two souls. My hands were shaking. Tina, you ride with Erwin, Roger says, and I wanted to shout “Yay!” when he said that to me.

He acknowledged his doubts and told her that relationships rarely work out. However, she chose to ignore all of that in favor of trying to learn more about Erwin.

Erwin accepted Tina’s invitation to travel to the US to meet her. When Tina and Erwin first met in her region of the world, she was sure he was the one. He was drawn to the vocalist by his unassuming and laid-back personality.

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They remain sincerely in love today. Erwin told the media that “it’s love.”. It’s a trait that we both share. It’s an electrical charge, as I always say. Even though I left her two hours ago, that feeling is still with me. My blood carries it. I am ecstatic about this. ”.

On Tina’s 50th birthday, Erwin decided to pop the question. He was shocked when the diva declined, citing her awful marriage as the reason, contrary to what he had anticipated would be a positive response.

Tina continued, “I said, ‘I don’t have a response,'” she said. It wasn’t a yes or no,’ she said. Marriage signifies possession. I no longer desired to interact with “mine.”. For me, that was adequate”.

Tina and Erwin, however, carried on because of their unwavering love. Nearly three decades after Erwin’s initial question, the singer decided to try marriage again due to his steadfast dedication. She accepted his proposal.

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On their opulent Swiss estate, the couple got married. Guests at the wedding included Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King.

With Swarovski crystals adorning her Giorgio Armani dress, Tina looked stunning. The ceremony went exactly as Tina had hoped, and she expressed her joy at its success.

The couple resides in a beautiful house in the Kuesnacht neighborhood of Zurich. The building has a view of Lake Zurich and is said to give guests the feeling that they are in a palace.

Since she stopped performing in 2009, Tina has lived in her quiet Swiss home full-time. The singer even relinquished her American citizenship when she became a Swiss citizen.

She is well-known across Europe, and Turner calls her life in Switzerland “wonderful.”. She claimed in an interview that “I’m as big as Madonna in Europe.”. I’ve been compared to the Rolling Stones in some places. ”.

When Tina received some unfavorable health news, her life had just begun to stabilize. In 2016, Tina was told she had kidney cancer. Her only options were kidney transplantation or standard dialysis. Although kidney donors were scarce, the latter would enable her to lead a somewhat everyday life.

Erwin intervened, fortunately for her. To save his wife, her husband made the ultimate sacrifice.

“He declared that he had no desire for another life or woman. He shocked me next. She said, “He said he wanted to give me one of his kidneys.

Following Erwin’s death, Tina’s condition got better. Her life then tragically changed again just as things were beginning to get better.

The firstborn son of Tina Turner, Craig Turner, passed away. He was Ike Turner’s son, but Tina had legally adopted him from a previous relationship.

The self-inflicted gunshot wound that killed Craig Turner was discovered. Due to her child’s tragic death, Tina was devastated. However, Bach remained Tina’s rock and helped her get through it all.

The flame in their love was still very much alive, Turner revealed.

She captioned a picture of the two kissing with the phrase, “Erwin and I have been together for nearly 30 years, and he still writes me love letters – isn’t that romantic?”.

The union of Tina Turner and Erwin Bach proves that true love can overcome anything.

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