Imagine someone taking away your sight for a day…a year…years.

how are you feeling Now imagine being told you have a chance to see her again.

I am sure you are full of joy and happiness!

And that’s exactly how Petey Hazel felt. It would be crazy to say he didn’t act that way, even though he wasn’t human. Hazel was thrilled when her adoptive parents told her she would undergo surgery to restore her sight. He would accept anything – a trip to the vet, the sound of an instrument, a full recovery – if it meant seeing how beautiful the world is again.

And he took it like a real champ!

miracles do happen

Close-up photo of pit bull

Blind Pitty Hazel took 6 months to complete #OneLuckyPup and seconds to win everyone’s hearts!

This big girl Pitty is a rescue dog from New York who was rescued from a life of captivity in the yard. His first owner did not care that the Golden Retriever had a lot of health problems and gave birth to defective puppies.

No, they only care about profit!

Fortunately, Hazel overcame this fear and the recovery process began immediately after her rescue. the M. Bonds & Company organization and found Hazel on the runway rescue team. She was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis. This disease almost ended her precious life.

Hazel is helpless, too weak and too depressed to care what happens to her. A blind pit bull named Hazel.
Source: Mr. Bonds and company structures and tracks
His foster parents, Samantha, Rob, Leslie, Pete and Lorraine, as well as many friends who have supported his charity work in New York and around the country, were delighted to hear that he was not lost. Everyone was happy.

Hazel has transformed from a shy girl into a lively puppy who knows her way around the house without being seen. When they were told that Hazel would need several operations to restore her sight, they all thought it was a dream.

Hazel thought she was dreaming, but reality was too sweet. The Petey girl was hospitalized three times and had to undergo two surgeries. She suffered from severe endometriosis, a potentially fatal uterine infection. Thanks to the amazing vets at Pure Paws Veterinary Care Hell’s Kitchen and Animal Medical Center, Hazel made it through.

They operated on her bilateral cataracts and implanted Hazel with an artificial lens. They got Hazel’s eyes back!

Pitbull Hazel sleeping

He opened his eyes again and was ready to face the world.

He was ready to see the beauty he had been missing all these years. And she had the brightest smile!

It gets better.

Man and woman holding two dogs

A difficult patient who underwent multiple surgeries, Hazel had to stay in a rehabilitation program for a while before she was ready for official adoption.

He was soon on his feet, but there was one thing the vet couldn’t rule out: his diabetes. Hazel will need daily insulin injections for the rest of her life. That’s the sad truth for an older Pitie girl. But that didn’t stop some people from wanting more Hazel!

Onali, John and their dog Cooper loved Hazel so much that they patiently waited and watched her recover.

When it came time to adopt, they filed the adoption papers and Hazel was officially on board. It didn’t take long for Hazel to become part of the family. This lucky girl has finally found her forever home!

Close up of Hazel sitting on a chair

Let me tell you one thing, she is definitely living her best life!

Hazel is now just like any other Petey. They are sweet, caring and very playful. He loves his new life with his owner and big brother Cooper.

He likes simple dog tasks that he has never done before. Watch Hazel grow into a dog who sees all the beauty in life!