The saint’s story can be considered a miracle, a miracle of true love. People often forget that love is the greatest gift and driving force in the world. Saint may…
Rescue Cocker Spaniel Shows Off Special Talent By Doing A Magic Trick With Her Ears
Dogs can be funny creatures that can sometimes put a smile on anyone’s face. These days, there are so many platforms and social networks that their hilarious situations and reactions…
Homeless Man Leaves Puppies In Front Of Shelter With Heartbreaking Note
When the staff at the Fayetteville Animal Welfare Society in North Carolina reported to work on Sunday after a storm earlier that month, they were faced with a very unusual…
A Fluffy Pile Of Puppies Abandoned By The Road Saved By A Bus Driver
Rescue organizations are used to seeing all kinds of scenarios. All have rescued a large number of dogs and puppies in need in a variety of situations. When I called…
A Kind-Hearted Human Saves A Hairless Little Puppy Who Was Covered In Mysterious Paint
All dogs need unconditional love and care to be happy and healthy. Our adorable fur babies trust us to always be there for them, to hug them and make them…
Abandoned Senior Weimaraner Still Has Reasons To Wag His Tail
Caring for an elderly dog can be very difficult and unfortunately not everyone is ready to do it. Dax, a large puppy, was surrendered to a local shelter after his…
Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You? 10 Reasons Why
We’re sure most dog owners have one. It’s late at night and you’re getting ready to cuddle with your dog and watch a movie before bed. You invite your dog…
6 Ways To Keep Your Dog Entertained When They Are Home Alone
Taking your dog to work in the morning can be very difficult. This is because many dogs suffer from separation anxiety and the ones that don’t show up yet will…
The Life Of Stray Dog Became A Blessing After Good People Saved Him From The Woods
How many homeless animals are kept in cages? It’s sad to think about, but it’s the harsh reality of the world. That’s why it’s always interesting to hear the life…
Why Does My Dog Lick My Legs? Attention-grabbing Or Something Else?
Our dogs do a lot of stuff we may find strange, be it barking in the middle of the night or running away from practically nothing. This time we’re going…