A shelter dog’s only wish is to find a loving home and someone to cherish forever. For Snoopy, the doe-eyed Staffordshire terrier, that wish has long been granted. This beautiful…
Golden Retriever’s Rare Birthmark Gets Him Thousands Of Followers On Social Media
Just when you think you’ve seen it all and that dogs can’t get any cuter, you learn about a dog named Enzo that will surprise you. Enzo Viola (full name:…
This Stray Dog Was Supposed To Be Euthanized But Then Something Miraculous Happened
Even if you think you have lost everything, your luck can change one way or another. Not all dogs are as lucky as Ginger. He was depressed, fired, and faced…
A Family Saved A Small Puppy Only To Realize It Was Something Else
When a family found an abandoned and stressed dog on the side of the road and decided they couldn’t leave him alone, they decided to take him home. But when…
Cyclists Rescue A Pitbull Stranded In A Dangerous Trap On A Bridge
There are real heroes. They are ordinary people who decided without hesitation to help those in need. While Mo, the pit bull, waits for the hero, he gets trapped in…
Man And His Giant Pack Of Rescue Animals Enjoy Their Every Minute Together
It takes a big heart and a lot of love to make your home a safe place for rescues! Dina and her husband Eric have long since adopted not one,…
Why Are Dogs Noses Wet? Learn 3 Most Common Reasons
Your dog probably likes to kiss you and lick your face. This is one of the ways he shows how much he loves you. Since your dog is so close…
Shelter Dog Sticks Her Paw Through Kennel Bars Whenever Someone Passes By
Eden is one of the most adorable dogs you will ever meet, but her life was sweet. He suffered a lot. If he could talk, I’m sure his story would…
Woman Living In Pennsylvania Shocked By An Unusual Visitor Resting In Her Flower Bed
Ah… early spring! Nature is waking up slowly, day by day. Before you know it, the days will be longer, warmer and full of excitement. Everything comes alive in spring….
Rescue Kitten Adopts Orphaned Puppy And The Duo Is Now Inseparable
There’s something nice about seeing cats and dogs getting along and living like brothers. Anyone who has done both can attest that dogs and cats get along well, but it’s…