Former teen idol Ryu Athit, also known as Arthit Taongsawatrat, has mostly stayed the same for 15 years after leaving the entertainment business. The former actor, who began his career…
Pregnant mother takes stunning photograph — but look who shows up on the right!
To capture the joy and excitement of starting a new family, expecting parents can take pictures of the expectant mother’s baby’s belly and document the pregnancy. For the rest of…
Mom leaves “baby” in car as she goes shopping at Target, promising others that he is safe.
Any public action you take will eventually end up online. We are living in the era of viral videos and stories, which means that videos and photos of us that…
Halle Berry responds perfectly to trolls after posing naked in a new photo.
I can only imagine the intense pressure that most celebrities must endure on a daily basis. It is inevitable and occasionally even acceptable to receive criticism for one’s work. Obviously,…
Matthew McConaughey Discusses His Terrifying Flight with Wife Camila Alves
Suspended belief is required. Remembering the severe turbulence he experienced on a Lufthansa flight earlier this month, the actor remarked, “I mean, it’s zero gravity. The actor, Matthew McConaughey, is…
Dad rushes to pick up his 6-year-old daughter from school; the teacher quickly notices a detail on his jeans.
You want to provide for your child as much as possible as a parent. There is no job too big, no cause too small, and no mountain too high. Why?…
It’s said that everything happens for a reason.
Due to what transpired when their lives took a sudden turn, Andy and Sarah Justice firmly believe the cliche that everything occurs for a reason. The two had been trying…
When asked if he believed in God, Stephen Hawking gave a simple answer.
He was a ground-breaking theoretical physicist whose brilliance aroused others’ interest in his views on God and the afterlife. In several interviews and writings, he addressed the existence of a…
A 9-year-old has the most thoughtful gift for his father, and his father’s reaction is amazing.
Every child enjoys giving their parents a present that they made themselves. They are anticipating their parents’ response and choice with great interest. And even though parents treasure almost any…
John Ritter’s identical son Jason defended his wife after she was body-shamed online by trolls.
John Ritter was once among Hollywood’s most well-known actors when he was younger. The performer was well known for his comical roles and had many iconic ones! Jason Ritten, a…