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The story of beloved actress Melody Thomas Scott

The story of beloved actress Melody Thomas Scott

After portraying Nikki Newman in the well-known soap opera “The Young and the Restless” in 1979, Thomas Scott became well-known. She appeared to lead a glamorous life as an actress…

Mother fighting cancer side by side with her son.

Mother fighting cancer side by side with her son.

Money cannot buy good health, and cancer claimed the lives of many people. Nobody should have to witness a loved one battle cancer. According to the tale, the Pennsylvania family’s…

A beautiful family story

A beautiful family story

Parents typically only plan to have one child at a time, so Becki-Jo Allen, 23, was surprised when her doctors told her she was expecting triplets. She gave birth to…

Stevie Wonder’s story

Stevie Wonder’s story

Steven Wonder. Over the years, the singer-songwriter has released hundreds of songs and won accolades from all over the world. In addition to his musical talent, Stevie Wonder is an…