Contrary to popular belief, dogs and cats get along very well, forming deep and meaningful relationships that transcend their differences.
Tam, a blind man who lives at Sunshine Animal Refuge in Agadir (SARA), has been best friends with cats for many years. It is also his safe place.
His colleagues kindly gave him tender care and unconditional love, which was without a doubt the most precious thing I have ever seen.
Meet Tam, a long-time resident of the shelter
the poor blind dog

Tam is one of SARA’s oldest residents and has lived on the farm with his sister Daxia for almost nine years.
He is different from most dogs you will meet. His younger sister is Daxia and she was born with a rare condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). All the other puppies from the same litter were adopted, but not because Tam and Daxia needed extra love and care. And so the shelter became their forever home. EDS (a rare connective tissue disorder) causes overstretching of the skin, loose joints, brittle skin and blood vessels, and poor wound healing. [One]
Two blind dogs lying on deck chairs
Also, Tom has been blind all his life, so he uses his nose to find his way around and moves very carefully. In addition, if there is too much noise around them, they can become scared and stressed.
But the cat was never afraid when his friends were around.
“The cats know he will lie quietly and be gentle with them. [He’s] the perfect pillow for a snooze, and Tam enjoys the affectionate closeness,” Hazel Skeet, a long-time volunteer with SARA, told The Dodo.
Unique Bond With Feline Friends

A couple of cats at the shelter have recognized that Tam needs a little bit more love and affection, and they have made it their mission to provide him with exactly what he needs.
According to SARA, Tam absolutely loves cats and sleeps with the same two cats every night – the three of them cuddling in bed.
When Tam is up and about, his feline friends will frequently rub against him to let him know that they are there for him.
The volunteers at the shelter have witnessed a number of times the enchanting bond that exists between their residents. Their cats love to give Tam cuddles and gentle massages to ease his pain and make him feel loved.
Tam has always loved to lead a relaxed and laid-back life, spending a lot of time lying on the benches in the courtyard.
“He spends the rest of his day sitting in the sun or shade, taking in the sounds and smells of the refuge,” Skeet said.
They believe that cats are drawn to Tam because of his quiet and gentle demeanor, and because they can sense that he is in need of a little extra love.
“Because he is blind, Tam is very wary of strangers,” Skeet said. “It takes a while to earn his trust, but once you have, he is a super affectionate and cuddly boy.”
Thankfully, he has his best friends to keep him company and make his life at the shelter better and happier.
Hopefully, Tam will receive a lot more cat massages because he truly deserves it.