Thousands of animals in need have been saved thanks to big-hearted people who have given generously of their time and money.
This time, the US Coast Guard Houston-Galveston showed its moral side! While the team was conducting a routine inspection at the Port of Houston, Texas, a strange noise was heard coming from one of the containers. They immediately set to work identifying sounds and ended up making one of the most surprising discoveries!
unexpected news
large container

Officer Ryan McMahon and his team heard barking and scratching coming from one of the containers stacked about 25 feet up.
The terminal currently holds over 10,000 containers, so the team was in the right place at the right time. After the crane lowered the container to the ground, an unexpected creature appeared.
It was a tiny, scared dog that somehow ended up within this metal enclosure.
“Earlier today, a team of marine inspectors from U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston saved a life in a way that was unexpected,” U.S. Coast Guard Heartland wrote in a Facebook post.
“They heard barking and scratching coming from one of the containers in a stack. When they lowered the container and opened the door, a dog popped out,” the team wrote.
The canine seemed extremely happy and not at all scared when she finally got out of the dark. She rushed to her saviors and melted in their arms as if she was trying to thank them for this heroic mission.

According to the officials, the poor dog was trapped inside the container with junked cars for over a week with no food or water. Even though it’s still vague how she ended up here, the Coast Guard assumes she was in one of the cars.
It was a true miracle that she was spotted after this long, as she’d probably not have made it if she had stayed there only a few days longer.
Connie The Container Dog
Connie the Container Dog, as she was later named, was immediately taken to the local animal shelter, from where she was transferred to Forever Changed Animal Rescue.
Despite her initial happiness, Connie was extremely emaciated and weighed only 30 pounds. Once she arrived at the shelter, she was immediately subjected to several tests. Unfortunately, she tested heartworm positive.
“Connie is a bit under weight and currently weighs 30lbs. She is incredibly sweet but very shy and scared of her new surroundings as to be expected. She is heartworm positive and we will be getting her started on treatment ASAP,” FCAR wrote on Facebook.

The team will make sure to give Connie good treatment and help her get back on her paws as soon as possible.
Thanks to the joint forces of giant-hearted people, she now has a second chance at life. And, when the time comes, there’s no doubt that Connie the Container dog will go to a nice home.