When relationships show a strong bond, people are said to be “joined at the hip.”. The identical is true for Isabelle and Abby Carlsen, two beautiful sisters born in 2006. But these twins had much more in common with each other than with their parents. They were connected at birth, from their chests down to their stomachs.

While doctors cautioned parents against the extremely risky nature of such an operation, parents still wanted to separate their daughters. However, medical professionals in Minnesota made the difficult choice to split up the two girls. Thankfully, it was a huge success and Isabelle and Abby gained recognition all over the world.

Conjoined twins were joined at the hip from birth, but surgery separated them for good.

Abby’s heart was tangled inside Isabelle’s chest, and their internal organs were disorganized. The doctors made every effort to give these girls a bright future because they knew that they had control over how good their lives would be. They spent months getting ready for the lengthy procedure. There was a team for everything: liver surgery, plastic surgery, etc.

Conjoined twins were joined at the hip from birth, but surgery separated them for good.

They underwent separation surgery when they were just six months old, so the sisters, who live in North Dakota, can’t remember ever being connected together. The only thing they share today is probably a contagious vivacity. The differences between Abby and Isabelle’s personalities are stark. Their interests and sense of style are not similar.

Every night we look in the mirror of our room and wonder, “How do people misunderstand us?” says Abby. These two are unquestionably two very different people.

When they were young, people looked at them as miracle children, but now that they are adults, they lead completely normal lives. For more details on their remarkable story, watch the video below.

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