For their neighbor, who they hardly knew, this couple did something special. They were rewarded with something unique.

After a tragedy, it’s one thing to invite your family members’ kids over. Everyone has heard tales of relatives taking in the children of their adopted brothers or sisters.

But what about a neighbor you hardly knew? Would you take in their children?

Tisha and Kevin Beauchmin, two casino employees from Las Vegas, did precisely that. When Audrey asked her neighbor Tisha if she could watch her three children for the night while she went to the hospital for some tests, the whole thing got started.

Tisha, a mother of five, said there was no issue. Little did she know that eventually she would try to adopt those children. She was diagnosed with Stage 2 terminal oesophageal and stomach cancer in Audrey.

Elizabeth Thames, who suggested the Beauchmins for the FOX 5 Surprise Squad, said: “Audrey asked Tisha to be the legal guardian for her kids.”.
The time between that and her death was very short.”.

Couple’s Home Is Transformed After They Adopt Dying Neighbor’s Kids
Tisha and her husband adopted the kids because she was raised in an orphanage and didn’t want them to end up alone.

I’m training to be a foster mother so I can be their mother, Tisha said. Children deserve to be children, so I don’t want them to ever experience anything that I did as a child. Too much has happened to them. They should have a caring family and a comfortable place to live. ”.

Many were shocked that the Beauchmins, who already had five children of their own, would take in the kids of their neighbors.

Nobody I know in this entire world, said Thames, “would open their heart to these kids.”.

The Beauchmins could only act as the kids’ foster parents if they divided two of their bedrooms into separate spaces and provided a bed for every child. They simply couldn’t afford to do that and weren’t sure what they would do instead.

At that point, the Surprise Squad arrived.

Each child could have their own bed in the Beauchmins’ house thanks to the assistance of the FOX 5 Las Vegas Surprise Squad and their partners in remodeling and furnishing. They created the wall separation, redecorated the entire house, gave their 18-year-old son $1,500 to help him move into a new apartment, and gave the family a car that could fit 12 people.

They made sure there were gifts for the kids underneath the lovely Christmas tree they brought in. A year’s worth of groceries were also given to the family.

Kevin cried and said, “It’s usually so difficult to figure out how we’re going to get food. “We always do it, but we won’t have to worry about it. That is incredible. ”.

Tisha claims that all she wants is for their family to always consist of ten people.

She said, “It’s really overwhelming that someone would do this for me and my family. I didn’t do anything particularly noteworthy. Anybody in my situation would have done the same as I did. All eight of them are my favorites. I’m happy as long as they’re content. ”.

Tisha has since taken on a second job, and Kevin has returned to the police force since the big surprise. You can contribute to the family’s GoFundMe campaign here if you are able.