Due to a rare condition known as Polycystic Kidney Disease, the son of Karen Rhodes and Paul Rybkin lived barely 36 hours (PKD). Cysts that grow in the kidneys can induce renal failure in this illness.

When they became parents again in 2013, they were overjoyed, but Maddy was born with the same condition as her brother. The two worried parents were looking for a solution so their daughter could live a long and happy life. They refused to believe that this sickness would take their second kid. Maddy’s father gave her a second chance at life after two years of struggling.

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Maddy spent the first year and a half of her life surrounded by doctors. She also required breathing tubes and oxygen treatments. The condition caused the girl’s stomach to swell all the time.

All of these things rendered Maddy helpless, causing her to be constantly tired and vomiting. Doctors are concerned that they will not be able to find a kidney donor in time, and Maddy will die.

Fortunately, the physicians informed the family that the girl’s father was a viable donation candidate.

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Karen, Maddy’s mother, was concerned about her husband and daughter, both of whom were set to undergo surgery.

Fortunately, Paul and Maddy’s operation was successful, and Paul saved his daughter.

Karen described Maddy as a girl full of energy and vitality. She also stated that Maddy is a happy and healthy 2-year-old toddler with a regular, slightly rounder stomach.

Paul is overjoyed that he was able to preserve his second child, but he understands that he did what any parent would do for their child in this situation.

“I am overjoyed that we now have a healthy youngster enjoying life. We went through a lot of emotions and difficult circumstances, but we were able to conquer them.

“Any father would have done the same thing as me if it meant saving his child,” Paul told The Mirror.

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Her parents are excited to witness how Maddy develops as a regular person, especially since the little girl was able to overcome her illness and is now able to play with her pals.

According to doctors, Maddy will require another kidney transplant in 25 years, but her parents are relishing the present and are confident that their daughter will be able to overcome this challenge.

We hope this family will be happy and enjoy one other’s company.