The popular sitcom My Three Sons is where Dawn Lyn first gained notoriety as a child actor. What the general public was unaware of until recently is that Lyn, who was ill, underwent major surgery, is fighting for her life while in a coma.

Dawn Lyn portrayed the young, innocent Dodie Harper Douglas on the popular sitcom My Three Sons in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Aeronautical engineer and widower Steven Douglas (played by Fred MacMurray) raised his three sons with the assistance of his father in the immensely popular television series. The adored sitcom rose to fame and became a U.S. S. households and one of the longest-running TV programs ever.

Dawn Lyn, star from ‘My Three Sons’, was left in coma and fighting for her life with her husband by her side

In the show’s final three seasons, Dawn Lyn assumed a more prominent role. Dawn kept acting for many years after her stint on My Three Sons. However, there is a depressing update regarding this former child star. Lyn’s recent medical issues were first revealed by two of her former co-stars. The former child star has been in a coma ever since brain surgery to remove a tumor, according to revelations made by both Tina Cole, who played Katie Miller Douglas, and Stanley Livingstone, who portrayed her older brother Richard Douglas.


Livingstone and Dawn recently had lunch together as a sort of casual reunion.

He pleaded with followers to remember his friend, saying: “Dawn is one of the kindest people I have ever met. At this time, her husband John is also in our prayers and thoughts. The 28th of October 2022 saw Stan provide another update and share some new details about his cherished co-star. He wrote, “She’s fighting meningitis and is still unconscious.”. She has healthy vital signs and brain waves. The medical professionals are battling the bacterial infection tenaciously.
The attitude is upbeat.”.

Dawn Lyn, star from ‘My Three Sons’, was left in coma and fighting for her life with her husband by her side

DAWN LYNI recently learned that my little TV sister, DAWN LYN (Dodie), is in a coma and fighting for her life. She underwent surgery. Posted by Stanley Livingston on Thursday, October 27, 2022.

Tina Cole has expressed her hope for Lyn’s recovery and stated that she is praying for both Lyn and her husband. Lyn’s husband has been by his wife’s side ever since she went into the coma, according to Cole, who said that she has maintained contact with him. The person who has revealed that Lyn wanted her medical issues to remain private is her real-life brother Leif Garrett. He reportedly said, as reported by TMZ, “My sister, Dawn, never wanted anyone to know about the surgery. Just remember my sister in your prayers, and respect our family’s privacy. Thanks a lot. ”.

He also disclosed that they had recently lost both of their parents as well as a cousin, which was tragic. Garrett asked that everyone be considerate of the family’s current situation in light of their recent tragedy.

Dawn Lyn, star from ‘My Three Sons’, was left in coma and fighting for her life with her husband by her side

Dawn Lyn played the daughter of Gregory Peck’s character in the 1971 western Shoot Out, which she also starred in. (Photo credit: Getty Images) Dawn has been married to William John Reese for more than 16 years. For a transfer at Reese’s, the two migrated to Hawaii in 2006. Lyn is said to like to go on hikes, ride on the back of her husband’s motorcycle, and watch movies when she is in Hawaii. Lyn had previously decided to stop pursuing acting opportunities, but she had also decided to accept them if they presented themselves. According to Wikipedia, Dawn’s final on-screen appearance was in a Wonder Woman episode from 1978. The actor also shares ownership of Pier 39, a store in San Francisco, California.

Dawn Lyn, star from ‘My Three Sons’, was left in coma and fighting for her life with her husband by her side

On February 17, 2015, in Los Angeles, California, actress Dawn Lyn shows up for the Los Angeles Special Screening of “The Comeback Kids” at the Landmark Theatre. (Image by Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images) Update in 2023 Dawn Lyn has reportedly awakened from her coma, according to her former co-star Tina Cole. Tina disclosed to Fox that Dawn has made some advancements. Tina Cole stated, “I saw a call coming in from her number and I expected it to be her husband John calling — he usually does,” and added, “I was in an indoor soccer game for my grandson and I could hardly hear. When I went outside, I was in awe. I could hear her voice. She spoke, but it was raspy. Dawn responded, “Yes, it’s really me,” when I asked, “Is that really you?”. The tears just began to flow. I was in disbelief. And it was just fantastic. The idea shocked me. “Dawn’s recovery process has greatly benefited from the well wishes and prayers of her friends and fans around the world.

According to her husband, the compliments made her very happy and aided in her recovery, Cole said. And I’m just overjoyed that there were so many people thinking of her and praying for her. I firmly believe that prayer has power. Tina Cole stated, “The My Three Sons actor is anticipated to return home by Easter.

Wikipedia Commons Dawn prayers are offered. May she recover from this traumatic experience!