You can find many articles on the internet that question dogs’ feelings towards humans.

Some say that dogs are driven purely by instinct, while others believe that dogs have deep emotions. Other experts say it’s a mixture of the two.

However, there are moments in the human-dog relationship when the truth is readily apparent, which is why all these scientific papers often fail. This time, a deaf-blind puppy demonstrated what a dog’s true love for a loved one is like… After such a scene, even the most skeptic will be left speechless That’s about it.

he couldn’t control his emotions

Woman playing with white dog at home

Bumper the dog was born deaf and blind, but when her family first met him, they instantly fell in love despite his disability. Bumper’s mother, Amy, told The Dodo that over time, Bumper’s relationship with her daughter Fealon became truly special. The two were inseparable. Unfortunately, as Ferron grew up, his life path took him far from home and from Bumper himself. But this dog always held her close to her heart and hoped to see her again.

Soon, he met the moment of his greatest happiness. 

“She came home for a visit. It had been a while,” Amy said. 

These are the scenes that are difficult, almost impossible to describe in words. Luckily, for us, Amy decided to film this reunion by capturing the moment when Bumper smelled his favorite person

We think that from this video, it is not difficult to conclude whether dogs are attached to people only for food or if something much bigger is at stake.

Happy Love-Filled Life

According to Bumper’s official website, Amy’s family met him when he was eight weeks old, and from that day on, their lives changed forever. The most amazing thing about this doggo was that they had no idea what he was capable of. 

They quickly realized his greatest gift was that he was completely unaware of his differences.  

“I’m sure as far as he’s concerned, this is normal dog existence,” Amy said with a big smile on her face. 

This can best be seen in his relationship with Faeron, in which his blindness and deafness are absolutely no obstacle for him to fully indulge in his happy moments with his favorite person.

“He loves hiking, swimming, going for runs, and riding in the kayak and canoe,” Amy said. “Basically, he does pretty much anything that a dog with sight and hearing [could do].”

That’s why we can freely say that Bumper breaks down all prejudices that dogs with special needs cannot live and enjoy life like all other pups. 

We truly wish Bumper to continue living life to the fullest as well as to smell many more scents that will bring him immense happiness, just like the one from today’s story.