Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, a mother’s heart is overflowing with joy, anticipation, and a touch of uncertainty. Each and every time, expectant parents wish for a healthy, content baby. Sadly, things do not always turn out the way we expect them to.

Looking forward to meeting her daughter, Jennie Wilklow of Highland, New York, was excited. As they embraced their new baby, Jennie and her husband were overcome with joy.

They had numerous ultrasounds and checkups with the doctor, all of which indicated a healthy baby.

Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

They felt at ease after hearing this assurance, and they had no idea that their precious Anna would be born with a disability that would change their lives for good.

At 34 weeks along with Anna, Jennie underwent a C-section. When the doctors placed the infant in her arms, she looked into Anna’s eyes and experienced an incredible feeling of love.

It seemed that their adorable child was doing just fine.

Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

But when Jennie’s husband came to see her, she couldn’t help but feel uneasy about him.

“My husband’s silence scared me,” Jennie admitted to Cafe Mom. He sat there in shock as I prodded him for more details as the doctor left the room. He said, “It’s bad, with a heavy heart. ”.

She has the most beautiful soul, Jennie, I saw it in her eyes, her husband said. ” At the time, Jennie was unable to comprehend what those words meant. Her mind raced as she pondered what was wrong.

Harlequin ichthyosis, a rare disorder marked by the appearance of thick, diamond-shaped plates split by wide cracks, affected Anna. Her delicate skin immediately after birth hardened as they desperately tried to assist her, Jennie told Cafe Mom.

She suffered severe splitting after the hardening, which left her body lacerated all over. “Despite the doctors’ worries, Anna survived and thrived. Jennie proudly exclaimed, “She was pure beauty.”.

Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

Unfortunately, harlequin ichthyosis cannot be treated.

Consistent effort is required for the treatment, including numerous showers and intensive skin moisturization. “I would bathe her for hours at a time and apply Vaseline to her every few hours.

Even though it seemed insignificant, it was one of the things I struggled with the most. I had imagined all the adorable outfits my baby would wear,” Jennie admitted.

Anna’s pictures were posted on the “harlequin diva” Instagram page, which she created to spread awareness of this illness. She provides insight into the difficulties that parents of children with harlequin ichthyosis face on a daily basis through her posts.

Doctors perform an emergency C-section and give birth to a baby with a rare skin disease.

“Anna captured the hearts of many because she epitomizes perfection in its purest form. Her performance of these routine duties comes naturally to her. Every time we reach a new milestone, the entire world joins us in celebrating, according to Jennie.

She went on to say, “I now understand that Anna was given to me because of my love for my daughter. We will jointly redefine what true beauty is to the world because we were meant to be together. ”.

Anna is lovely in her own right, and she is fortunate to have parents who go above and beyond to make sure she leads a happy life.

Let’s share this article on Facebook with our friends and family to help spread the word about Anna’s story. Together, we can spread awareness of and celebrate the amazing power and beauty that each person possesses, despite differences.