Losing a dog is a painful experience to recover from. George Loving was inconsolable when he lost his beloved pet Dottie. The circumstances surrounding her dog’s disappearance were murky and she never thought she would see him again.

After months of searching, he and his family gave up. They reconciled that they might never come home because they didn’t even know he was alive.

Then the most amazing thing happened…

Dottie was found wandering the streets.

a point on the grid

Tanya Ohanian of the Evanston Animal Shelter received a call about a dog found in Cook County, Illinois. At the time, he thought the dog was a stray and didn’t know its history.

When Dottie first entered the building, Tanya couldn’t have imagined that Dottie would return home five years later. point on the line

They took him in right away and gave him all the care he needed. They tried to scan him for a microchip, but it was a dead end. Then a local group called the Microchip Hunters got involved…

With additional help from MH, Tanya and her team found Dottie’s family and realized she wasn’t lost.

When he finds out that Dottie has a family, he immediately contacts them and tells them the good news!

A warm meeting

Meeting between the owner and Dottie

George couldn’t believe what he was hearing on the phone. After losing his beloved dog for five years, he was finally reunited with him!

He rushed to the EAS in Evanston, Illinois to find his daughter missing, which was very emotional for the entire crew!

“It was emotional for all of us. I think we were all in tears.”

George wasn’t sure if Dottie still remembered him and his family, but the second they met – she relaxed to the touch of their loving hoomans! It was obvious that she knew who they were. 

The reunion was heart-wrenching, leaving everyone in tears. But, then again, everyone was happy to finally get Dottie back where she belongs.

Her Past Is Still Vague

It’s still vague as to where Dottie was all this time. The staff from the EAS couldn’t determine whether she had an owner during these five years or if she was simply roaming the streets in the status of a stray dog. 

But, then again, that didn’t matter anymore, as she was finally in the arms of her loving family. We just hope that she never, ever has to part ways with her loved ones again!