Many dogs are known to love toys. Toys can help in many ways. This helps them learn new skills such as foraging, searching or exploring.

In addition, toys can be comforting for your dog. This is because many dogs become too attached and obsessed with their stuffed animals. Likewise, the dog we talk about in this story likes to cuddle his stuffed animal while he waits for his chance to be adopted.

Meet Jane

cute puppy jane

When Jane was first discovered by the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana (HSNWLA), she was only a few hours old. He, his mother and siblings were rushed to an animal shelter and taken to safety.

The HSNWLA staff showed them so much love and made everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Jane spent several months at the shelter before being adopted by someone for the first time.

Longtime HSNWLA volunteer Sarah Walton told The Dodo: Jane was adopted as a puppy in May 2017. His family loved him very much.

adult dog on a leash

His new family loved him and tried to make him feel at home as much as possible, but it wasn’t meant to be. Walton continued: Unfortunately, Jane didn’t like small dogs in the house. They have been trying to work with her for many years, but they finally succeeded, bringing Jane in early 2022 and finding us the right home.

new dear friend

Adult dog holding a teddy bear

Bringing her back to the shelter changed Jane more than she expected. He retreated a bit and the staff there noticed and tried to see if there was anything they could do for him. They took him to cars, trips and other volunteer homes, but no one seemed to want him.

The HSNWLA staff kept trying to make him feel better and it worked. But over time, he became interested in the stuffed animals scattered around his office building. His reaction was expected as dogs generally like toys. He loved hugs and refused to part with them. Walton said: Jane loves her baby. He likes to fool around with them. His laziness is his favorite thing!

The master likes dogs

A year passed and he had a new hope. A couple named Sarah and Justin M. The decision was made to adopt Jane and bring her to her new home.

She got a great welcome from the HSNWLA staff and they made sure to hug her as they packed up. It didn’t take long for her new parents to realize that Jane needed to stay with them. The couple loves everything and I wish them the best.