If you love dogs, you’ve probably heard of Rover. Yes, this particular online network for nannies and dog walkers is still useful. The thing is, Rover conducted a study to find out whether dog lovers love their dogs more than humans, and the results were pretty shocking.
Well, I’m just kidding. The results are clear. Dog lovers love dogs more than people anytime, anywhere!
More than 94% of dog owners in the United States say their dog is an equal member of the family. They couldn’t be more right.
Other studies published by People magazine show unexpected results. For example, about 75% of dog owners don’t think about taking their dog with them on vacation or including them in holiday cards, marriage proposals, and other big life events. Such a high percentage of participants in this study means that many weddings, parties, and vacations feature dogs in photos posted online. So it’s no wonder that 65% of dog owners say they take photos of their dogs more often than they take photos of their friends and loved ones. Of these, 29% say they post more photos of their dog online than photos of themselves or their family members.
A dog with a ball in its mouth on a woman’s lap

Dogs are better!
Almost half of those surveyed, 47%, said it was emotionally difficult to be away from their dog for an extended period of time. We get more interesting results. A total of 56% of people say their dog is the first person they greet when they get home after a long day at work. Well, that’s nice!
This method yielded shocking results! Did you know that 54% of people would consider ending their relationship with their partner if their dog didn’t like them? Could this be the one true love?
Don’t think we’ve forgotten about the quirky side of the survey. The question: Does my dog love me? Was Googled more than 3,000 times. IIncredible!
Of course your dog loves you, you silly person! Dogs adore humans, especially the ones that care!

The numbers are just… numbers! But, they do make us think. What these numbers from above tell us is that the human race loves dogs very much.
Owning a dog does make you a better person. It affects our mental wellbeing and helps us stay emotionally strong and capable of processing even the hardest emotions. So, to conclude: there’s no such thing as too much love for dogs!