Loyalty is a two-way street that dogs don’t take for granted. When an abandoned dog got stuck in a deep hole, his four-legged friend decided not to leave him until someone helped him!
She cried and called for help, trying to get someone’s attention. Fortunately, a man named Willians Mollo Flores was passing by with his dog and saw the horrific sight. Realizing that the dog was crying out for help in the first place, he decided to step in and lend a kind hand of humanity!
A passerby noticed a dog barking near the pit.
the dog sits by the pit

At first, Willians was so nervous that he didn’t know how to react. After a few minutes, he ran home and brought back a rope full of food and water.
Then he climbed into the hole, grabbed the puppy and pulled him out. The dog was clearly stressed and scared, but Willians, who has had dogs for a long time, was able to calm him down.
Batyr gently laid him next to his companion and made sure he was okay.
The dog did not move until his friend was rescued
the dog fell into the pit

The dog waiting outside the house did not move for a long time. He was intent on rescuing his captured friend and decided not to move until his friend was gone. That’s exactly what happened!
After making sure both dogs were safe, the Willians provided them with food and water. He said he was still too weak to follow him home. That is why he was always with them and asked for help through social networks.
Valeska Torres Tapia comes to the rescue.
furry dog sitting in car seat

Animal rescuer Valeska Torres Tapia saw the post and immediately rushed to the scene. It was midnight when he arrived, but he didn’t mind because he wanted to help the poor couple. The woman sits on the tiles and takes care of the dog
They were put in a car and taken to the foster home. It’s been a while since I washed and cleaned two cute, curly canines. According to Valeska, the puppies were very scared when they first came home, but eventually calmed down and became comfortable. He named them Angel and Salvador and immediately fell in love with them!
After receiving proper treatment, Valeska realized that the dog was truly like a brother. The similarities were uncanny!
Angel and Salvador are friends like twins.
The original idea was to adopt them temporarily, but Valeska had no choice but to keep these dogs as pets! It was really hard to let them go, especially since they looked like Siamese twins and hugged each other all the time.

“They are inseparable. It’s a beautiful thing: they hug, take care of each other, and don’t let go. These two little ones are like Siamese twins because they always hug each other.”
Valeska doesn’t know exactly how the bonded pair ended up on the street, but she assumes that they had been dumped there by an irresponsible owner.
But, all that mattered was that Angel and Salvador were now in a safe space, far away from anything and anyone that could harm them.
After all this time, they were finally in a loving home next to an owner who was ready to provide them with all the love they needed!