I think any dog ​​owner knows how unpredictable dogs can be.

One moment they might be walking peacefully along a trail, and the next they might be chasing a squirrel or seeing something that needs their immediate attention. yeah. Sometimes you can be so distracted that you don’t pay attention to where you’re going and end up in an unpleasant situation.

That’s exactly what happened to a puppy named Smudge. He found himself trapped in a fairly inaccessible location.

rescue mission

dog stuck in a tree

When Smudge and her owner were on a fun hike along the trails of St. Helens Botanical Garden in Oregon, they thought it was going to be a mundane and boring day.

However, Smudge falls off the Oregon Trail down a steep hill. Unable to contact Smudge himself, the homeowner called Columbia Fire Rescue for help.

Rescue teams quickly arrived on the scene and rescued the dog, hoping to reunite it with its owner as soon as possible.

However, when they inspected the area, the team realized that they weren’t going to be able to get to Smudge so easily.

They decided that they would also need some assistance, so they contacted the Columbia County Technical Rescue Team (TRT), asking for help

Since the TRT consisted of members from the various fire departments in Columbia County, with specialized training in high/low angle rescues, they were perfect for the job.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, they brought out their equipment and made a plan that would get them to the pup in the fastest and safest way.

The plan consisted of one member making his way down to the dog with a rope around his torso that would pull both of them up.

Luckily, the plan worked like a charm, allowing Smudge to be back in his owner’s embrace in no time.

The owner was overjoyed to be reunited with his pup again, and he couldn’t express his gratitude towards everyone who was involved in the rescue.

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Be Careful

This story is a great reminder that when going on hikes, you should always be well-prepared.

Dogs are very unpredictable, and sometimes they forget that the ground that they are walking on can suddenly disappear.

That is why your dog should always wear a harness or a leash, allowing you to have full control of their whereabouts.