“Two friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.”
These two abandoned dogs showed everyone that they can never be separated.
Back on the streets, these two had nothing but each other, with no idea what would happen in their lives. It sure looks like something is waiting around the corner…

… Or someone.
The black and white dogs knew this from the beginning.
They can only trust each other. When neighbors had a problem with two stray dogs, they knew they had to do something fast.

For five days, the working people of this street threw away food and water and did not abandon the poor dogs either. Until the woman came…
You can’t go anywhere without me
Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy, a nonprofit rescue organization founded in honor of her late son Logan, is an animal activist like you’ve never seen before.
When life takes her toll and takes her precious baby, Suzette decides to dedicate her life to saving those in need: abandoned, lost and betrayed dogs. Suzette has been an inspiration to the organization since its inception. He is so dedicated to saving dogs that he sometimes sleeps in his car. No dog is left behind.
He didn’t want to leave his two puppies on the street corner!
“The neighbors told me that they would literally lay on top of each other at night to sleep,” told Suzette.
He felt in his heart that his beloved Logan was telling him to save that unfortunate creature.

Suzette thought the dogs would still be there a few days later, but was surprised when they stopped. He knew that after hours of hard work, the puppies would be rescued.
Hall quickly lured one of the cubs into a human trap, using a tasty treat as bait. But finding her boyfriend wasn’t easy.
Both dogs were afraid to fully trust humans, but the first dog was so hungry that he couldn’t control his instincts. Two hours after the first dog was trapped, the second dog finally succumbed. Hall put him in a box and then put the box in a man trap. The first puppy was not ready to be separated in any way, so he locked up his best friend.
Hall tried to transport the chicks in the car in two separate crates, but soon realized it was impossible.
“They were trying to get to each other,” Hall said. “I could just tell that they needed each other.”
The only natural thing left to do was take the pups out of their crates and let them sit together.
“You can’t even imagine the wagging of the tails when I was getting them out,” Hall said. “They couldn’t get to each other fast enough.”

The two dogs’ names were Pasta and Pepsi. It was clear to Suzette that the duo should never be separated again. No one knows where they come from. Maybe they were in the same house? Maybe they are puppies from the same street?
Or maybe they met and fate decided for them. Even in the hardest times, Pepsi and Pasta supported each other. That doesn’t change when they leave the street corner where they were playing.
Because they were both diagnosed with illnesses, Pepsi and Pasta had to stay at the vet’s office until their condition improved. They must be rehabilitated and, once rehabilitated, placed in foster care and eventually adopted. Suzette said Pepsi and pasta can’t be separated no matter what.
They should be adopted together. Otherwise, their little hearts will be shattered. Despite some negative statistics, California is still the state with the largest number of animal shelters. Suzette Hall was lucky enough to discover Pepsi and pasta. If it weren’t for this brave woman, these poor puppies would be waiting on the street corner for their families to pick them up.

I hope this story is a good example to never consider abandoning your pet. Instead, follow Suzette’s example. He is a role model for everyone.