Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a sex therapist and well-known radio talk show host who first gained notoriety in the 1980s, opens up before reaching her most recent milestone.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer claims, “I never gave any thought to whether will I make it or not.
I’m going to be 95 years old soon.”.

Dr. Ruth turns 95 and says, “Talking about sex all day keeps me young!”

“I’m here and right now. The good news is that I have a great sense of humor. Jewish tradition also says that if you use humor when teaching, your students will remember what you said. ”.

Dr. Ruth, a sex therapist and former radio talk show host who gained notoriety in the 1980s, spoke about sex in a way that no one else did. Nobody’s life has ever been quite like hers. At age 9, after losing both parents to the Holocaust, she joined the Israeli Army and received sniper training.

She then met Manfred Westheimer, with whom she later got married and had two kids. After moving, she started Ask Dr. Ruth, a fifteen-minute public radio program, which she turned into a showbiz hit.

Dr. Ruth discusses how she’s still going strong and living in her tenth decade.

How does it feel to be 95 years old? How is your physical and mental health?

“My body is amazing. And I’m fortunate to be in good health. My daughter Miriam lives close by. I have four grandchildren and one of my sons, Joel, resides in Ottawa, though he frequently travels there. And thankful is the only way I can sum up who I am. ”.

Why do you still feel so young inside?

It keeps you young to talk about sexual topics all day. But having a partner enhances the pleasure of having sex. However, if that doesn’t work, get one of my books instead. ”.

We’re going to promote your book in ways that will amaze you!

And tell them that The Art of Arousal, a beautiful art book that teaches you how to masturbate with stories, is published by Abbeville. Alternatively, “The Art of Arrrrousssal,” as Dr. Ruth puts it. ” Do you hear me? How do you masturbate? Don’t do it on television, though. It’s a pretty book.

What about your life has most surprised you?

“That I rose to fame. that I have four wonderful grandchildren in addition to a wonderful daughter, son-in-law, son, and daughter-in-law. The other is a Canadian medical student who is getting married. My youngest grandson, who is in his first year of college in Toronto, adores it there.

The other, meanwhile, is already a graduate and employed in the field of computers. Being an orphan at the age of 10 and having experienced such a rough beginning with no parents, siblings, or other family members, all I can think about is gratitude. However, I must inform you of our newest endeavor. ”.

Dr. Ruth turns 95 and says, “Talking about sex all day keeps me young!”

Have your grandchildren seen any television reruns of you? How do they feel?

“I don’t discuss it with them. My late husband Fred would tell you what he said on television once, so I never discussed sex on television with him. ‘The shoemaker’s children don’t have shoes,’ he declared. Insinuating that he didn’t have enough sex, he says. Not the case.

Who was the sexiest dude you’ve ever encountered?

“Who is he called? with the beard. Burt Reynolds. ”.

What made him attractive?

“His beard. And I’m looking at a photo of us together right now where I can see that I’m caressing his mustache. However, I must confess that my claim to fame is that I never asked my famous acquaintances any personal questions; instead, they told me personal tales, which I won’t repeat. ”.

Why did he have a mustache?

“I can tell I’m smiling in the picture because the mustache felt great. Thank God, my mind is functioning. Now ask about my newest endeavor. ”.

Tell me about your latest endeavor.

“Okay. Grandparenthood is the topic of a project I’m working on with the New York State Department of Aging. I want people to adopt children—not legally, but to help them socially or academically—rather than adopt them for adoption’s sake. similar to taking in a granny. yet not adopting legally. That doesn’t pique my attention. Just the idea that every child should have an important adult in their life interests me. ”.

Was Burt Reynolds really the sexiest man alive, one last time?

“At that moment. He must have told me a really entertaining little story because I was smiling when I saw him, which I won’t repeat for you.
Additionally, it is for the elderly and the lonely.