When a woman approached Cindy Nash, founder of Nicholas’s Pet Shelter in Texas, about a puppy in need, she was ready to help.

On the other side of the main road, near the cemetery, is a woman whose life was tied to her. He told her he had a dog that had been living on the streets for a year.

As the dog grew bolder and bolder, the woman considered crossing the road and feared it would endanger her. The lady asked Cindy if she would come get the poor puppy.

rescue mission

a dog is lying on the side of the road

Of course there was a rescue team looking for dogs that day too. Setting a trap, they find Dr. Harshivinderjit S. Bains was watching Truvi from afar.

“He told me he really loves that dog and wanted to take her home. She had been living inside his clinic as it was being built and managed to stay there all last winter when it was so cold. He provided her with bedding, food and water for a year but could never touch her,” said Cindy.

Later in the day, Cindy returned to check on the traps when she saw Truvy sitting in one of them, patiently waiting to be rescued.

Cindy decided to take Truvy to her home

Since she didn’t really know how Truvy would act, she set the cage on the floor, carefully opening it. As soon as the door opened, Truvy ran outside and right into Cindy’s lap.

Cindy was left shocked!

She gave Truvy a much-needed bath since she was covered in sticker burrs, to which Truvy happily obliged.

She was so happy to be saved, and it melted my heart.

The following day, Cindy took Truvy to the vet for a checkup. After some examinations, the vet discovered that Truvy was microchipped.


She immediately contacted the family and they were thrilled. They told her that when they moved to Texas a year ago, they didn’t realize how small Truvy was

When they let her in their new yard, she squeezed herself through the iron fence and went out into the world.

“We immediately canvassed the neighborhood, on foot and in cars. For the next few months I drove, searching for her. I also emailed all the vet clinics, shelters and rescue groups within 60 miles in case she was picked up by someone that wasn’t local,” said Amy Logan, Truvy’s mom.

Brave Truvy had been missing for nearly 13 months before she met her savior, Cindy.Luckily, Amy made sure to keep Truvy’s microchip up to date, hoping to be reunited. And, it was a good thing she did!The family was overjoyed when they found out that after all this time living on the cold street, Truvy was alive and well.The very next day, Cindy took Truvy to Amy, reuniting the two.“It took her a minute to figure out that it was her mom. By the time they got her home, she was settling down and knew she was home safe and sound. She was just one lucky little girl,” said Cindy. 

Final Word

Dr. Bains was sad that he didn’t give Truvy a warm home, but his heart was filled with joy when he heard that she was back home where she belonged.

Amy can’t even put into words how grateful she is to Dr. Bains for keeping her little pup safe in such scary conditions.Let this story serve as a reminder that one should never give up hope, and that it is always a good idea to microchip your dog!