How can she look so young at 62 years old? Finally, paparazzi captured rare public photos of Julianne and her husband Bart. Fans are impressed by her beauty.

Julianne Moore and director Bert Freundlich began dating in 1996. Julian later appeared in Bart’s films. In 2003, the two finally promised to be together forever.

For almost 20 years, the couple has been living happily and enjoying life together. The couple was recently spotted by paparazzi walking in New York.

Julian is now 62 years old and is proud of his talent. Her husband was wearing brown pants and a gray jacket, and she was wearing all black. In these photos you can see the incredible talent of this couple.

In a conversation, Julianne Moore revealed his own beauty secrets. She emphasized the importance of avoiding sun exposure and sunburn, especially for people with fair skin. UV rays are dangerous to your health.

To maintain youthful skin, the actress regularly uses sunscreen. This helps prevent age spots and wrinkles.