Flying is typically a pleasant experience for most people. It’s a time of excitement and anticipation, whether it’s a long-awaited trip or a visit to a loved one. But for some, the skies conceal a sinister secret.

An experienced flight attendant named Shelia Fredrick never imagined that a flight from Seattle to San Francisco would change her life forever. She was performing her duties when she noticed something strange.


A young girl wearing shabby attire was seated next to an elderly man. The girl’s eyes met Shelia’s as she passed by, and at that precise moment, Shelia was overcome with a strong sense of urgency. There was a problem.

The man reacted defensively to Shelia’s attempts to speak with him, which led to more questions being raised. She trusted her instincts and left a pen and paper in the airplane bathroom, hoping the young girl would understand and ask for assistance if necessary.

Shelia waited tensely after subtly signaling the girl. She found a heartbreaking message on the paper when she went back to the bathroom: “I need help. Immediately after that, Shelia realized she had to act quickly.

The man was arrested once he landed thanks to a call to the police. The girl, who was only 14 years old, had been kidnapped just two months earlier as a result of human trafficking.


This experience inspired Shelia to collaborate with groups like Nancy Rivard’s Airline Ambassadors International, which was founded by a retired flight attendant. In order to fight this heinous crime, this organization educates flight attendants on how to spot the telltale signs of human trafficking and works with law enforcement organizations like the US Customs and Border Police.

Shelia stresses the value of being watchful and cognizant of the warnings. Her courageous actions have not only saved lives, but they have also prompted her to enroll in training programs that will equip her with the skills necessary to make a difference in the future.

One and a half million children are victims of human trafficking annually, which is a shocking statistic. Both boys and girls are subjected to child soldiers’ recruitment, sexual exploitation, and forced labor. We must put an end to these heinous crimes against humanity.

A young girl’s life was saved by Shelia Fredrick’s quick-thinking and brave action. Let’s pay tribute to Shelia and all the flight attendants who fight against human trafficking tirelessly. To help spread the word about this ongoing problem, share this post with your loved ones. We can end this injustice if we work together.