Hot summer days can be hard on our beloved pets, especially stray dogs who are tired, hungry and weak.

Southern California is famous for its sunny weather. But it can be a difficult place for stray animals.

Unfortunately, this number grows every year. An Irvine, California woman was walking through her local park when she noticed a fluffy white dog hiding in the shadows.

The poor dog was alone and very scared and I knew he had to be rescued as soon as possible. hot, tired and hungry

When he tried to approach her, she got scared and quickly ran away. He couldn’t leave her there, so he called Suzette Hall for help. Suzette Hall is the founder of Logan’s Legacy Dog Shelter in Irvine, helping animals in need in the community and beyond.

Sure enough, Suzette immediately responded to a call about an abandoned dog in need of rescue.

“He really needed help, but he just wouldn’t go to anybody. He would run away. Then he’d go back to his same spot behind the building, where it was shady and safe,” Suzette told The Dodo.  

It was 92° at the end of July when Suzette went to rescue this fluffy boy. He was so scared that he wouldn’t even let anyone help him, but he desperately needed help. 

Hall quietly set her humane dog trap, filled with some delicious hot dogs, but as soon as he noticed her, he started running away. 

She already thought this would be another failed attempt at rescuing him when something incredible happened. 

“He started to run from us, but then he did a double take. He sniffed the treats in the trap as he went by, and he turned around as fast as he could. He ran right into the trap,” Hall said.  

It was the first time she had seen a dog turn around so fast and run right into a trap. Within five minutes, he was in the trap and safe. 

He Knew He Was Safe 

As he quickly ate his delicious treats, Hall transferred him to her van, where the air conditioning was on. 

The poor baby was so hot that his tongue was just hanging down. 

“I got about a few miles away, and I heard him sigh, and I looked back, he was fast asleep 💤 both eyes shut tight. He knew he was rescued,” Hall wrote on her Facebook. 

“He’s so happy now, he just smiles all the time. He’s as sweet as can be. I really, really love him,” Hall said

According to Hall, Mulligan is still in a foster home where he is thriving, but hopefully, he will soon find a forever home.

If you are interested in adopting this precious little boy, reach out to Suzette Hall on Facebook or her Instagram profile.