Abby and Erin Delaney, twin sisters, were joined at the head when they were born. To ensure their survival and provide them with the best life possible, their parents made great sacrifices.

Their incredible bravery and unwavering determination have astounded both their family and the medical staff as they have overcome many obstacles to find their own happiness.

There were some difficulties, despite their parents’ joy at learning they were expecting.

Just two months after their wedding, Heather and Riley, a newlywed couple, were thrilled to learn that she was pregnant. They were even happier when they learned she was carrying not just one, but TWO beautiful bundles of joy during the ultrasound.

It wasn’t entirely unexpected, given that Heather’s sisters are identical twins, but they were surprised to learn that the twins were related. The twins’ connection at the top of their heads, known as craniopagus conjoined twins, was confirmed after consulting with a specialist. Only 2% of conjoined twins have this type, making it incredibly uncommon.

When we first learned, Heather recalled, “we went into shock and didn’t know what to think. I had the impression that this only happened in movies and on television. ”.

The couple was informed that their newborns had a 2% chance of surviving and that they may require a rare surgery to separate them. The treatment had been done before, but not at their neighborhood hospital. However, the specialist advised taking into account the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia if separation was a possibility.

The sagittal sinus, a vital vein that runs down the middle and contributes to 20% of your heart’s output, is another important structure that they have in common in addition to the skull and its coverings. A high-resolution fetal ultrasound and a fetal echocardiogram, which looked at the twins’ hearts, were two of the procedures Heather underwent in order to learn more.

Everyone was looking for the best way to raise our daughters when they were born, she claims.

An ultrasound performed during Heather’s 26-week visit revealed that the girls’ umbilical cords had intertwined. She was advised to stay in Philadelphia so that the twins could be properly monitored by hospital staff after they became concerned about the situation. Ten weeks earlier than expected, Abby and Erin were born on July 24, 2016.


When the babies were born, their mother claimed, “they came out crying.
The team had been prepared for breathing tubes and all sorts of things for them. ”.

To separate the fused portion of the twins’ heads, surgery was performed in October. Over the next five months, they underwent a number of additional operations as part of the separation process.

On June 6, 2017, more than ten months after their birth, the sisters were successfully separated after a taxing 11-hour procedure. To carry out this complex and risky procedure, a group of medical experts worked closely together. The hardest part of the procedure was over, but the girls’ recovery in the weeks that followed was not without its challenges.

Erin and Abby started intensive physical and occupational therapy as soon as their health permitted it, and five months later, they were finally permitted to leave the hospital, which was a crucial turning point in their journey.

Despite the fact that this trip had been long and full of ups and downs, Riley and I were pleased to see how well the girls were doing today, Heather said. We appreciate the staff at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as well as the help and inspiration provided by our loved ones, friends, and the community during this trying time. ”.

The twin girls recently received their certificates for kindergarten.

The little girls are now living a life that resembles normalcy after overcoming numerous difficulties and undergoing numerous surgeries. The twins have finally reached their happy life, despite the fact that they will require more plastic and reconstructive procedures as they age.

Due to their illnesses, Abby and Erin are growing more slowly than typical children. Abby is currently taking her first steps toward learning to walk, whereas Erin accomplished the amazing feat of walking at the age of five.

Their mother explains, “We’re their parents, and we just see them for who they are, not what’s wrong with them.

The girls have already completed kindergarten, which is an amazing accomplishment that many people believed was out of their reach despite all the odds. Their mother said, “We want to show that there is a chance they can be separated and ultimately lead healthy and happy lives. “The sky is the limit for my girls,” she continued. ”.

This proves that even though there are many challenging situations in life, we can get through them by being persistent and upbeat. The parents of Erin and Abby have experienced every difficult phase of this traumatic journey, and they now want to support other parents who are experiencing a similar trauma.

“Our goal in sharing our story has always been to try and reach any other parents facing the same type of pregnancy we were to give them hope,” Heather says. ”.

Numerous engrossing and moving tales about twins and their surroundings exist, and twins have long fascinated people. Think about this remarkable woman who joyfully gave birth to twin baby daughters on a very special day of the year.