Despite the fact that most people consider dogs to be the kindest and gentlest creatures on the planet, there are unfortunately some who do not agree with this.
Rescuers realized this when they found Frenchie, a bulldog barely alive in a trash can. rescue mission

This poor pup was found behind a Mexican restaurant in Allen Park, Michigan.
Employees said they heard a groaning sound coming from the trash can as they were taking it out, so they decided to investigate. They soon encountered a terrifying sight. The severely malnourished puppy had bruises all over his body and was having trouble breathing.

They immediately called the nonprofit Pound Pals Downriver (PPD) relief organization, which quickly arrived.
After seeing the puppy’s condition, they rushed him to Southgate Animal Hospital in Michigan, where he was placed in a pressure chamber to help him breathe.

When the dog was examined, it was determined that she was likely the product of neglect, abandoned by someone unable to meet her medical needs.
Road to recovery
This strong pup, later named Queso, did not give up easily. I saw all the hospital staff cheering him on and felt I couldn’t let them down.

Finally, after they ran all the medical tests, they got the precise diagnosis.
The staff determined that he was struggling with a disorder called megaesophagus, which is considered a combination disorder. The esophagus (the tube that carries food to the stomach) dilates and loses motility.
“This is likely what caused him to be so underweight, and what caused the aspirate pneumonia that was making it so difficult for him to breathe. He had apparently been suffering for some time before being left in the dumpster,” said Tom Abraham, director of Pound Pals Downriver.
Luckily, Queso is making a lot of progress on his road to recovery, which the PPD team gives constant updates on. But, he still has a long way to go.

Although he spends much of his time in a pressure chamber and is battling pneumonia, he eats regularly and is also gaining weight and strength.
Many people have already contacted PPD to adopt Queso, but his vulnerability is preventing him from being released from the hospital.
Dogs with this disease are at high risk for complications from malnutrition and aspiration pneumonia. We are looking for someone with experience with special needs dogs, preferably French bulldogs, and training on possible complications.

The last word
Queso still needs some recovery, but I’m confident he’ll bounce back soon and be better than ever.
And once he does, he will have a loving home forever and will finally give him the love and adoration he truly deserves.